Poetry from Zabuna Abduhakim

Young Central Asian girl's headshot. She's got black hair up in a bun and dangly earrings and a white collared shirt with buttons.

I Wrote a Poem for My Mother

My mother is my pride,  

My father is my guide.  

All the happiness in the world,  

I wrote a poem for my mother.

My mother is my confidant,  

My mother is my dearest friend.  

Endless patience and strength,  

I wrote a poem for my mother.

Girls with fathers are lucky,  

Girls with mothers are blessed.  

I’m a lucky girl, a blessed girl,  

I wrote a poem for my mother.

I am Zabuna Abduhakim qizi Uralova, born on July 1, 2008, in Chiroqchi district, Qashqadaryo region. I am currently studying in the 10th grade with a specialization in natural sciences at a specialized school in Chiroqchi district. I hold several international certificates and serve as the EVH coordinator for Nishon district, Qashqadaryo region.