Poetry from Zebo Rahmonberdiyeva

Central Asian teen girl with a blue collared shirt, hair in a bun behind her head, brown eyes, and small earrings.
The secret of happiness...

  Shall I tell you about happiness?
  Happiness is like health,
  It is not visible to your eyes,
  When he is not there, you say, "I wish he would come!".

  Happiness is actually a bright world,
  Don't you see with your eyes?!
  Although tired, working
  Isn't it sweet what you found?

  Look in the mirror for a moment,
  You have all the beauty, strength and will!
  Turn around and look around
  Some people want what you have.

  Without looking at anyone's hand,
  Happy if you can swallow the morsel in your mouth,
  If you have problems in life,
  Happiness is if you open your hands to prayer!

  Shall I tell you a secret?
  Happiness is like a "magic lamp"!
  Thank you in any case,
  As if it illuminates your path like a light!

  Happiness is hidden in gratitude, in patience,
  So live in gratitude, my friend.
  I discovered the secret of living happily,
  Don't complain about life, my friend!