- Blue Spirit
- Coral Pearl Spirit
- Hobo Women
- Small Hobo Circus
- Small Pink Princess
- Small Psychedelic Dress
- Small Snowflake Bird Spirits
- Trash Alisha Goddess
- Tribal Spirit
I am an artist who combines all the art forms in my work:costumes being my main discipline. I turn people into nature nymphs, fairy spirits, etc and I take all my own photographs.
Alisha Naomi Fisher’s artist statement:
I combine costume with jewelry, body-painting, hair design and background art in my work. I also take pictures.
I make myself and my models blend in with their surroundings whether I am doing scenes in nature or in the city.
I have studied Fine Arts in college and at university, Textile Arts and Painting. I also minored in college and university in women’s studies. I have attended crafts workshops over the years.
For the past couple of years I have been working with plants. I am fascinated with the different textures and colors in the plant kingdom.
I love nature so much that one day I exclaimed, “Why not dress people up in nature!” I first began my plant costumes in August 1999 on a trip to the Madeleine islands of the Quebec Maritimes , Canada . I am fascinated by the fact that many of my costumes look like fabric. In fact I have always been interested in fashion. All the materials I work with are free!
My work can go in many directions; fashion, performance art, photo art, movies, theaters can interpret any theme and transform it into an experience.
You are free to interpret my work as you wish but for me I feel that my work represents that we are part of nature. When we die we will go back to the earth just as the plants do. All that will remain is our bones like stones.
Our blood contains chlorophyll, and so do plants! Minerals in the earth – we possess as well. By killing the earth we are thus killing ourselves. When we stop our busy lives by taking a slow walk in the forest and listen and touch then we are closer to god.
For me when I dress up in the plant clothes I become closer to the goddess/ god presence. The scratching of the branches against my skin wakes me up, brings me closer to god. I become the Shawomin; transforming myself into the nature spirit/nymph.
I believe that a fairy world exists in each species of plants, trees, and flowers.
My work can also be interpreted as ritual. A sacred act, performance.
I was born and raised in Montreal , Quebec to an artistic family. My father would give me fabrics and old hats as a child I would dress up in them. He was a photographer and would take pictures of me.
My work is owned by a number of celebrities and private collectors. I have appeared on TV in Canada and the United States. I have also had articles written about me. I have had solo shows and have been a performance artist in a couple of festivals.
I am available to hold/give workshops here and in other states or countries.
Alisha Fisher may be reached at goddessphotography@yahoo.ca and would love to hear of professional opportunities using her skills and talents.