In the Summer..
In the summer, Munisa went to a 2-week camp. Her first week at camp was great. At the end of the 2nd week, she began to miss his mother and home. There were many students in the camp. The last day at the camp was planned to be spent in nature. Munisa did not want to go for a walk. She wanted to cry for some reason.
Sometimes he says Munisa has a heart, sometimes she says don’t go. When he didn’t know what to do, a beautiful girl of 7-8 years who came to rest like Munisa suddenly came to her.
––Hello, sister, she said and sat down on Munisa’s couch with her legs stretched out. Munisa did not want to talk to anyone. But for some reason, wanting to talk to her, she simply said:
–– Hi
––Why are you upset? –– said the little girl, and a warm conversation began.
––Did you hear that we are going to have a picnic?
––Yes, you will go. what is your name
–– Gulinur. don’t you go for a walk?
––Please go, I’m scared myself.
––Oh, what about the others?
–– No, they are not like my mother. And you look like my mother. Your name is also Munisa.. My mother is also Munisa.
Munisa hugged Gulinur and
—You are a little angel,-she said.
Gulinur looked at Munisa and
—My mother is dead,-she said.
Munisa hugged Gulinur tightly. For some reason, she remembered her mother’s rosy face.
The next day, Munisa went for a walk holding Gulinur’s arm…