Story from Nosirova Gavhar

Central Asian teen girl with straight dark long hair, brown eyes, a blue collared shirt and her head in her hand.
Nosirova Gavhar

When I was a child, I only wanted to be a doctor when I grew up and heal people.

Today, I was sitting in front of the window in desperation, I needed a doctor myself. My eyes are weak, I could not see the beauty of nature. I had only one dream in my heart – to heal people. At that moment I remembered that my father had a violin in an old chest. A few years ago, he taught me how to play the violin.

For some reason I never played it. As soon as I opened the window, the outside world was blowing cool. As I played the violin, the birds stopped chirping, the noise of the street was instantly silenced. My heart seemed to be filled with light.

Out of joy, I made it a habit to play the violin every day. The gentle melody that came out of it soothed the wounds of my heart. Every day, my violin lovers would gather in front of my window and listen to music. Then I realized that if we sincerely intend and strive for it, Allah will deliver everything. 

Doctors can heal people, but God gave me the happiness of healing their hearts. Music heals and comforts the human soul. My father’s words: «Weakness should be turned into strength» came to mind today. I turned this weakness into strength and achieved my childhood dream. Now, every day, the audience called me the number one violinist.

Nosirova Gavhar was born on August 16, 2000 in the city of Shahrisabz, Kashkadarya region of Uzbekistan. Today, she is a third-year student of the Faculty of Philology of the Samarkand State University of Uzbekistan. Being a lover of literature, she is engaged in writing stories and poems. Her creative works have been published in Uzbek and English. In addition, she is a member of «All India Council for Development of Technical Skills», «Juntosporlasletras» of Argentina, «2DSA Global Community». Winner of the «Korablznaniy» and «TalentyRossii» contests, holder of the international C1 level in the Russian language, Global Education ambassador of Wisdom University and global
coordinator of the Iqra Foundation in Uzbekistan. «Magic pen holders» talented young group of Uzbekistan, «KayvaKishor», «Friendship of people», «Raven Cage», «The Daily Global Nation», Argentina's «Multi Art-6», Kenya’s «Serenity: A compilation of art and literature by women» contains creative works in the magazine and anthology of poets and writers.