Visual poetry from Grant Guy

Black text on a white background reads "perspective" at the top left and "all downhill" on the bottom left. Something that looks like a staircase is on the left and paint ink squiggles adorn the piece.
Typed lowercase absurdist text in white on a black background.
Morse code like dots and dashes in white on a black background.
Ladder and squiggles in black and then black typed text reading 'off to a flying start' and 'we all fall up' and 'be positive' and 'we all fall down'
Typed lowercase absurdist text in white on a black background.

Grant Guy is a Winnipeg, Canada, theatremaker and poet. He has 6 books published and his poems and stories have been published internationally online and as hard copy. He was the 2004 recipient of the Manitoba Arts Council’s Award of Distinction and the 2015 Winnipeg Arts Council’s Making A Difference Reward. His work has been performed/exhibited in Canada, the USA, Brazil, France, Spain and Italy.