We’d like to hear from you (contributors and readers) about what you’d like to see in and from Synchronized Chaos.


This webzine was conceived as a collaborative effort by and for artists and writers, to build community and help meet needs that we have as we develop our crafts and move forward in creativity. So I’d love to take a moment to hear from all or any of you, from our contributors and readers and anyone involved with Synchronized Chaos.

Please feel free to leave comments here about anything to do with this webzine. What directions would you like to see the magazine take in the future? How can Synchronized Chaos best assist you with your artistic and/or professional development, with networking, with getting published, with meeting whatever goals you have set for yourself? What interests you, and what would you most like to read or see here? What would be the most informative, or interesting, or worthwhile for you to see and read? What features might we add, or whom should we contact for an interview? And how might you see yourself helping to contribute to Synchronized Chaos, or getting involved to improve the magazine?

Several people have mentioned that they would like to learn more about publishers or other paying markets for their work, and here is one I came across in another writing community:

http://www.sottovocemagazine.com/index.htm – A new and upcoming webzine with a lovely floral background focusing on well-crafted short pieces (poetry, prose, and nonfiction) of any style and topic. Does pay upon publication, not an awful lot but it would put some extra cash in your pocket.

Also I ran into someone last week who’d volunteered at the SF Writers’ Conference and obtained free admission in exchange for helping with timekeeping, recording lectures, etc. The conference features several well-known writers and workshops on improving craft and networking opportunities and volunteers are able to participate in at least half the event. They’re online at http://www.sfwriters.org and I’ve already emailed them offering my services and mentioning that I could potentially bring some friends and colleagues along also 🙂

3 thoughts on “We’d like to hear from you (contributors and readers) about what you’d like to see in and from Synchronized Chaos.

  1. Finnegan – we love to assist writers and artists with the publication process! One of the ways this happens is that once you are published in Synchronized Chaos, you may list this as a publishing credit/prior place you have been published on your cover letter to any other publisher. Authors and artists retain all rights upon SC publication and this is something to add to your resume so people will be more likely to print other works by you in the future. Being accepted in Synchronized Chaos, while open to everyone, is usually a process involving suggestions and advice from other authors (usually an email exchange over a few weeks or so.) So it reflects that you’ve engaged in a process of continually editing and reviewing your craft under the guidance of mentors.

  2. Also we try to collect a list of quality publishing opportunities – reputable and paying if possible, for our authors. I’d suggest you check out the site http://www.freelancewritinggigs.com as well as Sotto Voce magazine (www.sottovoce.com) for further opportunities.

    Also, our editors (you may find us on Facebook under “Chaos Theory” or on LiveJournal as the chaos_zine community) regularly name-drop at art galleries, writing conferences, etc. We’re a family here and look out for opportunities for each other. We would appreciate, if you choose to have work published in Synchronized Chaos, that you pass on the names of any other SC authors/artists whose work you like to your agent/publisher and network to benefit the community. I have personally given a list of our visual artists to a gallery owner in Pleasanton near where I live, and look forward to continuing networking in the future.

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