Poetry from Rubina Akter

To Be Her Child


You need eyes opened to mayhem,

her oldest and newest lacerations,

ears that hear slaps of sorrow or shrieks,

a nose that detects her bleeding,

her hopelessness both of you can taste,

a body to witness all of it.


Divine Love

A thousand letters of love, was it a thousand?

Meticulously torn into a thousand pieces

thrown into a darkness, into angry rain,

cleansing almost, against her willowy figure

and hard obsidian filled waters.

In love with something he will never know,

refusing the pleasure of being with her.

On the brink, a cliff, not ready to be a man,

he turns to the God he so despised,

finds purpose, she will never understand.

He has fallen in love with the divine.





The child smiles,

Welcome, come in.

Perches herself on the lap

of a family friend,

his calloused hands explore her.

She doesn’t understand.


The child waits,

for Mother to arrive.

Young, naive, disbelieving.

Her only protector,

tells her to stay.

God, she doesn’t want to stay.


Rubina Akter is an undergraduate student at Temple University. She has loved writing since elementary school when she was chosen to write a book for the Young Authors Conference. More recently, she was awarded first place in poetry for The Muslim Inter-Scholastic Tournament (MIST) ™. Poet Amy Small-McKinney, who has urged her to start sharing her writing with the world, is her mentor. She lives in Lansdale, PA with her family.

Poetry from Patrick Ward


As I sit in my chair, in the late evening.

I heard a sudden tap.

I glanced over at the kitchen sink.

However, the Delta faucet wasn’t leaking .

So, by now, the spirit of being puzzled,

took over my natural senses..

The tapping has to be the,

result of a major malfunction.  .  .

But, where?

And what could it possibly be?

Suddenly, the tapping sound stopped.

Then, I went into my living room to sip my,

freshly, hot, brewed, cup of tea.

When the peaceful sound of silence,

came to a screeching halt.

It was that same tap.

Only, this time, it was accompanied by a floating orb.

It bounced up and down all across the house.

A distant moan was heard.

It appeared to be coming from a bedroom window.

Overlooking an ancient cemetery.

I opened the window shade to see,

If I could detect anything unusual.

But there was nothing out of the ordinary.

So., the thought fled my mind for awhile.

Then, I was startled by a bloodcurdling scream that came,

from the front balcony.

And yet, again, nothing was seen.

The wind picked up ferociously.

The shutters were madly rattling.

The wind eventually stops.


But the rattling of the shutters continued.

The lost souls won’t rest

Due to a violent past.

The spirits linger on.

The sounds remain.

Echoing from the grave.

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Elizabeth Hughes’ Book Periscope


Peter Jacob Streitz’ Hellfires Shake the Blues


Hellfires Shake the Blues is a deeply moving book of poetry. It is filled with many poems that will strike a chord with many readers. I am very sure that anyone will find several poems they will enjoy, if not all of the poems. I highly recommend this book for all the poetry lovers out there. If you have never really cared for poetry, give this book a try and I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I have!

You can order the book here. 

Poetry from Ajise Vincent


They said my ancestors

wore sackclothes and raffias

of infectious nature,

that caused the outbreak

Of the black man disease.Polygamy.

So they brought chromatic strings

To beautify the nudity of our flesh

So men could dine with lust

And become dogs that are never satisfied.


I’ve seen homes

where dreams are lighted by poverty

and puffed out into oblivion

to cling to void air of nothingness. Homes

, where hopes are fed with smokes

pervading from ashes of bombed futures. Homes

, where foetuses seek to tango with death

even before the dance of delivery. These homes

are silent gladiators that inhibit the growth of posterity.

They are arsenals to kick start a revolution

at the demise of dusk.


Devious carnivores tieing turbans,

Tearing decorum of the Maghreb.

Heart steeled: dissipating mortals

With bogus pellets of martyrdom

Ancient caliphates they decimate.

Each dappled ruins tell gory tales

Of pouty vultures eating corpses,

Yet in their guts they still banter.

Hungry dust they solemnly satisfy

With remains of excavated graves

& blood of impeccable juveniles

Catalyzed by feral raids of impiety.

Innocent babies now motherless,

Drinking milks of their sly sisters–

Who now find daily nourishment

Betwixt the thighs of these carnivores


Ajise Vincent is a Nigerian Poet. His poem “Song of a Progeny” was a shortlisted poem at the Korea- Nigeria Poetry feast, 2015. His works have been published in London grip magazine, Kalahari Review, Sakonfa literary magazine, AfricanWriter, Indian periodical, Social Justice Poetry, I Am Not a Silent Poet, Afrikana ng, Poetry Pacific, The Poet Community, Whispers, Commonline Journal, Novel Afrique, Black Boy Review, Tuck Magazine and various literary outlets. He is currently finishing up a major in Economics at the University

Holly Sisson reviews Patty Lesser’s novel A Discerning Heart

Becoming Human: A story of enchantment and love

Holly Sisson, MA


A Book Review of A Discerning Heart by Patty Lesser

Fiction writer Patty Lesser has broken from tradition in this modern day mythological tale brought to life through an empassioned display of a man lost and blind by his own self-pity and desire for power and respect. The author brings forth from the depths a gentler compassionate love that transcends both societal norms and his own aggressive wounded heart. This tale of two lovers uniting is not without its fair share of turns and twists. Sex, lies, exploits and magic enchant and keep the reader turning the pages as the plot thickens like grandma’s stew with a secret ingredient.

A love story as old as the ages, this Romeo and Juliet-esque story is filled with bits of modern day social issues from gender roles and culturally accepted marriage to sexism and the objectification of women, the invisibility of disability, and the simplicity of natural living being overcome by ambition and progress.

The imagery of land and sea is breathtaking and will immerse the imaginative reader in a world of beauty, nature, fantasy and magic. From solid ground to open sea we journey through transcendental archetypes of love, power, paradise, illusion, paradox and the balance of feminine and masculine, mystery and personal reality. The principal protagonist, Dim Jim, develops a character both shaped by a loneliness amplified by social marginalization and a victim mentality that leads his eventual surrender to love and beauty through the alchemical power of falling in love.

This story has a bittersweet happy ending reminiscent of a fairy tale, yet without the perfect due justice falsely implied in contemporary fairy tales. The real life consequences of decisions made by Dim Jim and his counterparts are certainly not swept under the rug, and the difficulty of a life filled with choices and a veiled sense of what happiness is weaves both tragedy and liberation along the way.

A Discerning Heart is somewhere between real-life and fantasy, a novel filled with the depths of love and the shallows of self-pity. It will pull the heartstrings of anyone young or old who has a taste for the enchantment of magic found in real life situations. Patty Lesser is becoming more of an accomplished writer with each novel she writes.

This novel may be ordered here. 

Essay from Ayokunle Adeleye

Saraki in Our Democracy

On the twenty-fifth of March, in the heat of the Presidential campaigns, yours truly released The Beauty of Democracy. That innocent article had been borne out of concern on the increasing lust for blood that fellow compatriots were displaying, and unabashedly too. They had seemed eager for justice and more; they had in fact seemed ready to take justice into their own hands. And I was concerned, as anyone should.

A change in regime had been imminent, the finger-pointing that customarily accompanied such regimes was gaining innervation; but the
excessiveness that the propaganda of the incoming band was preaching was beginning to gather much more momentum than could be needed to
oust the incumbent and Change! the nation. And so my fear had been: What would happen to the excess?

As it turns out today, one human gestational period later, that excess momentum has birthed vengeance, blind vengeance; vengeance blinded by
the propaganda for Change!, and nurtured by the myth that every rich politician is corrupt; vengeance ignorant of the simplest of political
truths: only the rich succeed in politics, as of today, when mere nomination forms cost tens of millions of Naira so as to “separate the
men from the boys”; and vengeance that has made a man yet on trial to be stoned as though guilty.

How visionary that humble, and largely unpublished, article has now turned out to be! For, in a bid to paint the former band of politicians as thieves, the propagandists conveniently forget that they themselves are politicians no different than the former, at least to the naked eye and to the vengeful minds of the awakened masses now thirsty for blood, any blood at all. A sentiment that now endangers our budding democracy, more than ever, as I had then opined nine months ago:

“Democracy is slow, democracy is cumbersome, democracy is imperfect, and it is apparent that the Opposition will, in their present stride,
taint our budding democracy in a bid to satiate the lust for blood that the gaping mouth of our populace desires… The supporters of the Opposition have taken it upon themselves to be plaintiff, judge and jury; to label every dissenter as cheap, corruptible, and shameless; to gang up and degrade the humanity of anyone speaking in defence of the defendant. They condescend, they insult; to them only the dumb and clueless will support his [Senate] President. Yet, the beauty of democracy is that defence is a fundamental human right, even to the accused, even to the allegedly guilty; and remains so, even in Nigeria, even now!

“We can all be misunderstood; I usually am, and anyone that is often misunderstood knows that nothing hurts more than the hypocrisy and sanctimony, the judging gazes and condemning sneers, the pre-emptive guilty-as-charged attitude and misplaced condescension.… For, the
beauty of democracy is that however wrong, guilty, [insubordinate, wealthy,] or clueless the defendant is, he must not stand alone. And
whoever chooses to stand by him, pardon his misdemeanour, and believe in him, must not be ostracised, not for his humanity.

“[Saraki’s] assailants go about the tents of democracy, with shrouds ostentatiously bearing the insignia of Change!, and with vengeance in
their proud stride. And as they do, they look down upon, and alienate, those of us preaching caution lest we find ourselves right where we
are, four years hence!… For, the beauty of democracy is that the leader be tolerant, father to all, and compassionate; that his followers be empathetic, accepting of others, and friendly to dissenters; that people are not maltreated in their own land because they disagree with popular opinion.

“[But it would now seem that Saraki’s assailants are prepared to] run our democracy off, or over, in their quest for applause… [and that
their] supporters have little regard for democratic freedoms [including the belief in the rule of law administered in a fair trial; as they themselves are] intolerant folk… [It would seem that we have alas voted] the inquisitors and the chips [are falling:] there [is] little tolerance for sympathizers, for due process, for proper defence; those of us who are apt to stand for the Constitutional Way will become targets, those who habitually dwell on the fence will become collateral damage, and no one will be safe. There will be no room for neutrality, caution or commonsense. And there will be no room for friends. Yet, everyone needs a friend at least; no one deserves to stand alone. For, that is the beauty of democracy: the right to the
freedom to opine, decide, associate, disassociate; to live, and let live!

“And if [rather than insist that due process be followed,] we keep quiet, if [rather than advocate the rule of law,] we hide our heads, if we [support rather than enlighten] the coercionists, then not only will our democracy lose its lustre, then not only will autocracy take over, and dictatorship in his wake, then not only will we suffer for our gullibility, but we will leave Nigeria worse that we found it: bound.

“I have thus stood by the weaker, more aggrieved side… You may psychoanalyse me as much as you want; only, I have done so for balance, I have done so for fairness, i have done so despite enormous pressure and grave threats. And I yet do [and as should you… I have thus and since taken it upon myself to defend the defenceless. For I am not a populist, and someday, it shall be me in the dock, and I shall hope to be shown the same mercy I have shown those before me: a laudable defence, and a fair trial.”

The exact thing every Nigerian deserves during trial. The exact thing you would expect if peradventure you are on trial. The exact thing Senator Bukola Saraki deserves; not a witch-hunt, not stoning, and definitely not jungle justice. Oh, Lord knows we have had enough of those!

Ayokunle Ayk Fowosire.

Poetry from Michael Robinson

No Words


There never have been words that comforted me. No words of “I’m sorry for you loss” and what of my loss? It was a moonless night, or so it seemed. Something was wrong with my emotions and something strange about life set in. Feeling lost without being able to be alive. Such confusion Unable to touch or be touched…the rats ran up and down the stairs. The world began to disappear before my black soul, a soul without God’s touch, a motionless moon and stars that were shattered in the night sky. Everything seemed to stop…no past, no future, trapped with these rats lying on the alley floor with nothing but their skeletal remains. My life ended that very night since I could not feel anything. The darkness covered my body without mercy. There was neither devil nor hell just death…I’m unable to speak, unable to touch or be touched. I want to sit in a corner to melt into the night air. It’s hard to breathe…a gun would be nice to have, but I don’t think my death would stop the darkness….I wish she would appear so that I wouldn’t be alone. She would know what to say or what to do because I don’t. None of it makes sense.

A rope,

A body,

A porch,

Another body,

Empty thoughts about a future that will not happen,

Pitch black, like me, in a whirlwind of chaos;

I can’t help but feel insane.


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