huge high school crush
i saw a woman that
reminded me of this
huge high school
crush i had
how quick she turned
away as i was looking
convinced me even
more that it could be
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a couple trendy items
writing a poem in
the same restaurant
i used to write in a
quarter century ago
the carpet looks the
coffee tastes the
but the menu has
new plastic and a
couple trendy items
the only thing really
different is the
cigarette smoke
there is none anymore
i suppose that’s for
the best
although coffee,
applesauce and a
pack or two of
marlboro lights
always will have
that special memory
for me
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holiday music
one week from christmas
and every waiting room
is playing holiday music
usually, it’s the hospital
that makes my skin crawl
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the kennedys
my mother watches
all these shows about
the kennedys with
a tear in her eye
she still wants to
believe in fairytales
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started to tremble
i remember the first time
i put a gun in my mouth
i prayed there was a
bullet in the chamber
my hands started to
and my friend said
hey asshole, it’s not
i handed it back to him
and told him to never
tease me again
he left town the next
year and i have never
seen him since
J.J. Campbell (1976 – ?) went to the crossroads and only found litter. He’s been widely published over the years, most recently at Horror Sleaze Trash, Fourth & Sycamore, Duane’s PoeTree, The Stray Branch and Red Eft Review. You can find him most days on his mildly entertaining blog, evil delights. (http://evildelights.blogspot. com)