Poetry from Sayani Mukherjee

By Sayani Mukherjee

Pyre of hollow embers 
Burns purged insecurities;
Ravishing coiling serpant machinery
Jokes and trickstars of naysayers, 
Of caging the free spirited Moksha 
Dreams of mana, Himalayan bluebirds
The flappy wings of fancy somantic fury 
Only tune of one song. 
Loud enough to burst forth 
Material orders hierarchies 
Ashes of power game
Caged and bonded 
Flattering cynismcism a cyclical tornado
Only the blue bird sings 
It knows the one tune 
I'm an om 
An autumnal seasonal flashback. 
Draping warm leaves around my sweet neck
Honeybees and nectar of sooth Sayers fuzz
My veins a musing, jumping, 
free spirited laboratory-
Made of Streaming stars and faith and woolen love
I, a Bluebird sing of mana 
Airy floaty elfish vain 
Titular rambunctious whole of a new realm
I am a power of my life force
Watery windy fiery fiesty road
Akashic magic burning sages Rosemary incensed fume 
I swallow pyres 
Burning up eights lusts heads 
I twinkle and beam.