Parents are such people that no one in the world can take their place. The only people who always believe us and always support us are our parents. If we hurt a little, they will hurt a lot and they long for our success. They are most necessary and sacred people in our lives. They take care of us and remove any obstacle in our way, saying ” My child should not be hurt.” They can’t bear it when we cry. They will be the heroes who are ready to give their lives for us. They always try to make us live well in this life. If we have any problems, they solve them at first. Parents are the meaning of our life. Life will never be meaningful without them. They will be the only people who will love us until the end of the our lives.
The most important, dearest and holiest people in this life are my parents. Dad ! Mom ! For me, they are the greatest blessings in my life. They are my greatest gift from God. They are the most wonderful parents in the world for me. My heroes, who are always by my side and always believe me are my parents. I always promise to be a worthy child and justify your trust! Thank you for everything dad and mom!
Mekhrangiz Kibriyeva.
MEKHRANGIZ KIBRIYEVA OLIMJONOVNA was born 1 January , 2006 year in Sariasia district Surkhandarya region in Uzbekistan.