Essay from Dilnoza Xusanova

Older light skinned Central Asian man with a balding head, a black coat, white shirt and tie. He's seated at a desk with a plant behind him and a painting of a mountain scene on the wall. He's got paper on his wooden desk where he sits and is writing with a pen.
Erkin Vakhidov, image c/o Husniddin Ato 

Abstract. In the article, the famous of the Republic of Uzbekistan the work of poet and writer Erkin Vakhidov will be discussed. Our society raising his spiritual life by observing the perfect young generation it is emphasized that they are inextricably linked. The works of classic writers and poets one of promoting learning at all stages of education and this affects spiritual maturity and personal results.

Key words: Lyrics, education, literature, collection, literary genre.

Uzbek literature in the context of world literature That is, researching it as a whole with world literature is a new one and provides a rich opportunity for perspective and interpretation. Erkin Vakhidov's nature, life sophistication, the rich spiritual world of man, and creativity, together with singing in praise of his work to social injustice, goodness against tyranny, and evil, firm in the name of beauty, led to a fierce artistic struggle. This is typical of Erkin Vakhidov's work. In this context, his works are related to Turkic peoples as well as German, French, Russian, English, Urdu, Hindi, Arabic, and other languages spoken in different countries, as reflected in the translations made. 

As a result, his works are gaining the attention of fans, not only of Uzbek literature but also of world literature. Erkin Vakhidov, the beautiful and unique qualities of our people, high flights typical of his artistic thinking, always to our language the grace that gives beauty is unique is our national poet who used it in forms. Certain literary properties are the heart of other people's The creative service of translators is decisive in adding to the treasury becomes important. 

After achieving independence in the Republic of Uzbekistan, it became obvious that in the educational sphere it was necessary to revive national customs and traditions and cultural and spiritual values. The slogan "Uzbekistan is a state with a great future" determines the need for the development and reform of all spheres of life in our society. We must not forget about the direct connection between the education of the young generation and the future of the entire state. In modern education, new methods and techniques, called interactive, provide efficiency in the study of literature, including in the study of the work of the writer and poet Erkin Vohidov. 

Erkin Vakhidov, the complex historical path of our people, expressing the pride and dreams in his heart vividly and artistically, is a nation that has shown the high status of its value to the world. We can say that Uzbek literature is a world study, and research together with literature is an important issue on the agenda of our literary studies. His contribution to our literature of scientific realization, like Erkin Vakhidov's, to reveal the qualities characteristic of great figures in a reasonable and convincing manner, will serve. 

This is a prospective and large-scale study, and although they live in different parts of the world, they are Uzbek. There are also scientists conducting research on literature; they will, of course, contribute. It is noted that the development of the spiritual life of our society is inextricably linked with the formation of a perfect young generation. The study of the works of classical writers and poets at all stages of education is one of the most urgent tasks, and this has a significant impact on spiritual development and personality formation. Erkin Vakhidov tries himself in different genres—epic, journalistic—but more and more gravitates towards song. Many of his poems are known as songs performed by Uzbek singers. 

Later, the work of Erkin Vakhidov is noticeably different from his earlier works; he is freed from his previously inherent laconicism and abruptness towards smoother intonations. During this period, the poetry collections "Love" (1976), "Living Planets" (1978), "East Coast" (1982), "Message to Descendants" (1983), "Insomnia" (1985), and "Suffering" (1991) were published, as was "The Bitter Truth is Better" (1992). Erkin Vakhidov's authorship belongs to the poems "The Dream of the Earth", "The Poem Written in a Tent", "Devotion", "Rise of the Immortals", "The Conqueror and the Barber" and the plays "The Golden Wall", "The Istanbul Tragedy" and "The Second Talisman". 

The poet's poems went to the people. They were also translated into Russian. Today, each line of Erkin Vakhidov's poems is interpreted under a different sign – eternity. After all, when people leave, especially poets, not only their portraits change, from which they seem to look at their contemporaries in a different way, but the words they have written are seen differently, the meaning of which penetrates even deeper into the soul.

We live easily, without noticing seconds.
We laugh at carelessness in captivity.
And the pendulum – it shakes its head,
blaming this carelessness.
He seems to be telling us: – It will be too late.
Hurry for a second, anyone.
Everything has its own term. And I wouldn't have to after
regret them by shaking your head. .
(Translated by S. Ivanov).

Erkin Vakhidov translated Goethe's Faust, poems by S. Yesenin, A. Tvardovsky, M. Iqbal, R. Gamzatov, G. Emins and many other poets into Uzbek.

Carefully preserving traditions, the author also conveys his original perception of love. In the poem "The Spring", the reader is presented with a girl sitting by the spring. Starting from a real episode, the poet creates a lyrical love story, or rather, expectations of love. The love of the lyric hero of the poem is like a pure spring emanating from the depths of the earth. The heroine of the poem is both sublime and simple in anticipation of a bright feeling.

The poem "Revolt of the Spirits", by definition of literary critics, is considered the pinnacle of E. Vakhidov's creativity. Literary critic U. Normatov calls "The Mutiny of Spirits" a philosophical, tragic, heroic poem: "Mutiny of Spirits" is a kind of innovative work in its form. It consists of a synthesis of the poetic form of rhythm, emotionality, different colors symbolize the life episodes of the legend, etc." 
Subsequently, the poet's collections are published almost annually. Other poets highly appreciated the work of Erkin Vakhidov. For example, Robert Rozhdestvensky wrote that his works are multilayered and polyphonic. A future member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, Erkin Vakhidov traveled all over the vast country, was abroad: in Berlin, Delhi, New York. And from all his trips, he brings works written under the impression of the new and interesting.

Erkin Vakhidov is not only a poet but also a skilled translator. As the owner of a unique talent who was able to make a great contribution to Uzbek literature, we can say that. Get acquainted with the biography of the poet. As you know, he has been a translator since his student days, and you can find out that it has started. And this is to the poet's own people, introducing the air of world poetry and directing young poets artistic-aesthetic thinking through world poems, a long and long way to perform high tasks such as feeding. It's a sign of how seriously he takes hard work—no exaggeration. 

An important wing of Erkin Vahidov's creative research is the development of his art of Uzbek translation, which is directly involved in multifaceted activities. Erkin Vahidov is a great talent in Uzbek literature; he raised the field of translation to a new level; he himself translated and enriched the works with romantic melody, musicality, and charm, which made Uzbek poetry more colorful and attractive. The poet's talent and many years of painstaking research came to the world as a product, created in different languages around the world. The translation of the works not only adds to the creative path of the poet; rather, it is a rare and rare item of the spiritual treasure of Uzbek readers, creating the ground for the payment of the sacred masterpieces.

The study of the works of classical writers and poets at all stages of education is one of the urgent tasks and this has a significant impact on spiritual development, personality formation. Erkin Vakhidov entered literature as a child, but a big one became the ocean. Love for the motherland, its boundless expanse, mother Faith in the bright future of the country is the most important part of Erkin Vakhidov's work and remains an important aspect. The place and role of the rich and indelible works created by Erkin Vakhidov in world literature are incomparable. His works encourage people to practice religion, kindness, and humanity. The creator shows the beauty of life in his unique creation. With his laudatory poems, he was able to irrigate hearts thirsty for literature. The world is not only amazed by its diversity and wealth of miracles; it also strives to gain deep understanding and knowledge of its secrets. 

Erkin Vakhidov's personality is like a world inside another world, and his poetry is another literature within literature. A poet or nature pen on love and or social and other topics shares his philosophical thoughts on the fate of society and the future of man. His poems and epics, not just in terms of subject matter, genre, and style, but in a spirited, intense, and at the same time, distinguished by their innocence and gaining special importance, are enough. Erkin Vakhidov, whose centuries-old traditions of our classical poetry are properly continued and given a special polish, is a creator.

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4. Huzhamberdieva Sh. Kavkaz v tvorchestve Erkina Vahidova // Molodoj ucheniy. – 2016. – № 10 (114). – S. 1509-1510
Young Central Asian woman with brown hair, brown eyes, a white blouse and earrings.
Dilnoza Xusanova