Poetry from Daniel Y. Harris


(Excerpt from The Apostasy of Proxy Godbot, which is a misprision of Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself, divided into 52 sections. The protagonist, Proxy Godbot, is malware as John Milton, Black Hat Hacker.)

Proxy Godbot’s sōlus as this phantázōic

hacker, metáencrypts his arkhétupos

with a třieti (Vepar): then, mpz_pown_sec

leaks zero high order bits

in result: for a gît metablectica

is hierophantic for this paradatarist

in his outrapoia (Focalor)

as https://ph.qsng.cn/pinhu


with the gidouillic, thunders roar

must’ring thir rage in his parfümler:

this whoroscopic probe for a ShellTorch:

duālis, this enuig in its (s)plei,

this urfuïrin its deubeta weyks

the XNU kernel: iūdicium’s cloven 

lēasra givesroot on rhizomics,

on distros in the kahal

with this Tool-WPAKill:

Satan except, none higher sat,

with grave aspect he rose beluga

blakaz in his in infinito vacuo (3ve)

and launches binaries

with a SUID antepoiētḗs

(PwnKit): dioptrics in this ourine,

in this sursülvst with toxikóns:

for this Byzantine alembic distills


the leapepoch from which regicide

is a Joke-Bluescreen.c: eyȝe

or force exístēmi with ōganą,

the vacātum’s elliptic curves algo

īnurgōs against the masher: then wear

the scapular over a latex catsuit,

this I in a háptō: fixity in kastōną

for tà epì tà metaphusiká (Marbas)

has its slight caprice in this revīsiō

(RansomedVC): fades from azar

deles except for Turritopsis dohrnii contra

the undēadlīċ—when this haruspex

schāchs his holy stance, the abasíleutos

or extol this worβis,

this syndicate’s reagent

is dybbukic in his surdus,
in https://kjj.qsng.cn/main/index.

jhtml—remaine in strictest bondage

with these cryogenic events:

this heterocosmica in meǵh₂los’

sexcento sexaginta sex, beats

the utilespar with a kouric stiff  

(Saleos): when splendor formarum

is caedō’s Trojan.Nebuler,

brӕsen in his resentiō (http/2 rapid

reset) augments his pataprecursor’s

kleināō and severs its análogos

(Bredolab) with la sphère effrayante:

this Lucretian swerve is a dabúrintʰos,

then it tracks this IZ1H9  in its collīsus:

post purity’s puȝr and fetch its I.sh,

for a mock inutillious has its spiriform

accelerator: a killing rescue—antaneuter’s

swarm (Coreflood) have their kritikós

in obstāculī: bogus postal service

lures seize the pervertō in hisjaiet

ubernoumenon: ample gusti, 451 4.7 .500

server busy error message: for influence

is blǣcþa—I stízō: the dark’nd lantskip

in the orthographical—‘pata, preceded

by (Dridex) an apostrophe, loads

the CurKeep infection chain

with fusika’s épater: in la fin des fins,

the hoax, aerial or undead, this grand

gidouille (JS/Exploit-BO.gen) in no longer

a singularity: for the spearphish, cieō

the palotin with hornstrumpot’s guedofle

(Naberus): ruō is at stake, use DakshSCRA,

molt us (Ronove)with autográphō

and defy assimulō—this appalling

selfcōnfidō, this fistptyx—Devil

with Devil damn’d: https://lx.qsng

.cn/lanxizytz/213142.jhtml—in eadem

mutata resurgo (Rclone) when this nautilus

(Ligolo) in its spira mirabilis (PuTTy),

executes the andijōną with the toilet

brush scepter, the physickstick (Shax)

and the phynancial vǫndr: unparadise

this h2entíos with https://js.qsng.cn/hd

kx/444834.jhtml in Hells dread Emperour

with pomp Supream (Smominru):

xenogenitals in holobiont biomedia

let unbyrġans disembrain their mākhanā́

with parachaeopteryx (.mlwq, .mlrd):

onhende, for urmure a chromatic

glasperlenspiel that appends .hazard18

and devours kholḕ [Kelihos (Waledac)],

has quaesta in priority’s denial: yoke

this súzugos with crossfess (Bamital),

the executor isforġietan, pungent

and pataterreō: https://jchzczjy.qsng.cn/

gywm.jhtml: this chryselephantine

sculpture has its void rabisu in a remote

cnearra with a brut latecōmere godhede:

for this skándalon’s cache poison

is a mockthyrsic Alchymie By Haralds

voice: shake the ubumoeras

with a taut anɣō’s W32.Rontokbro.K

@mmangstvor etwas, this episcopus’

jugthroat is a nexus nod:mix sulfur

and saltpeter, bitchhell in stregonerians,

that the formicarius is a akelarre’s Puper.dll,

colony: the praelia, the bruxae,

the fascinarii—deploy nekrós

with manteía: https://hjn.qsng.cn

/mlyy/index.jhtml, this psychophysik

in the haldernablouic (GodStealer)

caulks its dis manibus, efferō:

his prīsmos (Mebahel) increases

(InvictaStealer) this maleficii’s haploidic

camouflage with cadaveric spasms:

then discharge the phaínōn (Stealerium)

in birth titrṑskō (Vehuiah):

this killer frœcne is the body’s

dungijǫ—or beware

the antigrātificor, rage’s exclūsi,

its dauϸus anxiety in Faustroll, the magus

in league with the diabállō: this IRONJAW

truzlą, this CallbackHell is gráphein  

in oil, varnish, lead foil, lead wire

and dust on two glass panels, coniūrōs

these anomalistics: bequeath

this compulsion neurosis,

this romanticus (Elemiah)

and use Punycode URL, http://xn--ee

pass-vbb[.]info: with a wrādīks analogue

between humaigne (Iehahel) and poiētikós

ġebyrd, 80aafi6cg galdors parashamanic

estaise with suzugíā: plumb the scarsus,

the antebotm in a fierce extreams,

extreams by change more fierce

in https://hjn.qsng.cn/xxzh/20213

68.jhtml (Cahethel) beyond the autopsy:

in this didaskalosica, ipselinks in azimuth

in the iron hall, ēiaculor on scatopschit’s   

grimoire (Hexmen, MyKings): for now,

the RedLine stealer’s epiphenom is le rire

with a sexuocomputāvī: from tetolai,

aethera—the taut tumuī in aethernity’s

God by curse Created evil: seize this Tor

Negotiation and data leak site with ibicratics,

http://www.qsng.cn, when chant the square

deific is the inquisitor’s devil: kaudā: Absolu,

Year 1 S.O.T.N. 1608, I.A.I.M.M.M.R.M.

1819 and E.P. 1873: the Satáin, the tSatán,

the satanizar: the Tyburn Hang, the corpse

rise, the charaxāre heal, or a heraldic red,

a heraldic black, this gob, this spiral:

append a .crypto1317 extension

for hunyadi: disoccult this cacopedia

and chase the snark from fnord (Sitael)

with optompoētria: strike these crotales

(.34r7hGr455), for le modulor (Adware

Malwarewipe) trolls Sauvage 


cn/zjjxx/index.html, goes up the fiery

Concave touring high (Chavakiah):

this patatransgenetic in ballía

has its triballoí (Bashlite) in phálaina

with a vagitprop: unruly TetrisPhantoms

as paranomós stalk their prōmisceōs:

this drone attack with its trojanized

Utetris app starts with a seɣwēros 

as its lēoþucræft: use a sortiāriī

with their ArcoShells for this espionage:

supervīxī is at stake—zjcx.qsng.cn.

It is omnicide, larceny, auto-da-fé

or misprision, a mosaic abscondī:

Dr. CannIbalIsM or Synkretismos,

King Moshiach: (Hebrew: מָשִׁיחַ‎,  translit. 

māšîah;  Greek: χριστός, translit. khristós

lit. ‘anointed, covered in oil’) or cyboric




killenkyllencüllen, cyllan, kwulljan, kylla

then kill http://ww1.yt118.com/track.php?




Daniel Y. Harris is an extreme experimentalist. His The Posthuman Series includes The Metempsychosis of Salvador Dracu, Volume VI (BlazeVOX, 2023), The Resurrection of Maximillian Pissante, Volume V (BlazeVOX, 2022), The Misprision of Agon Hack, Volume IV (BlazeVOX, 2021), The Reincarnation of Anna Phylactic, Volume III (BlazeVOX, 2019), The Tryst of Thetica Zorg, Volume II, (BlazeVOX, 2018) and The Rapture of Eddy Daemon, Volume I (BlazeVOX, 2016). His The Posthuman Series has received praise from Charles Bernstein, Harold Bloom, Andrei Codrescu, Kenneth Goldsmith, Daniel C. Matt and Marjorie Perloff. He is the Publisher of Var(2x). His website is danielyharris.com.