Poetry from Dr. Maheshwar Das

(Image of a middle aged South Asian man with short dark hair, reading glasses, no beard but a small mustache. He’s got a plaid collared shirt on and blue jeans and is sitting in front of a tan wall.)


In this world of love, songs, and lore.
As I watch you at a distance, my dear.
My heart thrills with joy and pleasure.
I always aspire to the blissful days at the core.

In this world of the sun and moon.
With the grandeur of Autumn and Spring.
We will have a nice time in nature soon. 
And make this life 
full of felicity in a magical Spring. 

This world is full of forces of good and evil.
We must always cherish a positive will.
And drive out the forces of destruction and the devil.
To make this life full of bliss and goodwill.

Oh dear, let us spread our love to all the creation.
For, the world is suffering, it needs so much love.
Let us love the creation and save it all from destruction.
To all creation let us extend, our ardent love and aspiration.


Even if it was not dawn 
The sweet symphony of the cuckoo swept into the air
Like a sweet canticle 
It was so clear, sublime, and ecstatic, 
It filled me with a celestial feeling.
As an early riser, 
I sat on the balcony of my house in the countryside and enjoyed it to my heart's content.
It seemed to me that I was not sipping the coffee but the sweet song of the cuckoo.
It was not far off.
Hardly a few meters away from my house. 

Again I heard the fascinating voice of a bird.
With this also, the spring breeze was touching me.
It was having a special charm.
It was so enjoyable free, light, and beautiful.
It was near my balcony,
I saw a tiny bird not more 
than the size of a thumb 
but gifted with so sweet songs.
Being curious I went to see it among the flowering plants adjoining the balcony.
As l went near, it flew away into the air.
But I know, it will again come back and
spread its mesmerizing spell and make the environment happy and 
For, spring is existing with all its beauty and splendour.


You are separated from me miles away
Perhaps there is less chance to meet again
But your memory always haunts me
And still, always a subtle silent link moves.
It travels from me to you always
It speaks soul to soul
An inner soul voice speaks to you in silent hours.
It is, as if, you are with me and talking. 
I feel the pangs but I transcend it.
A sense of satisfaction I feel.
You can tell it is love or anything else.
I believe, beyond body, feelings transcend
And takes the soul to the loved one.
Beyond body, a true love world exists.
Body attachment destroys, the purity of love
True love is always beyond body.
It transcends and comes back to your shore


In the far distance on the horizon
There blaze a flower of crimson light
So radiant and bright
Behold it with all your might

My heart aspires to touch the Saviour's light
Under the dew drops deep. 
With the blade of grass filled with dew.
Nodding its head and dancing in the breeze

With the soulful fight
I stand to place my ordeal allure.
With all my endeavour
Only for the coveted goal

Nothing can deflate
Nothing can erase
Nothing can allure and detract
Nothing can move me
My attention is on the saviour light.

With determination of ton's fight
My aspiration jumps to an unseen height
To catch hold of the divine light
With the blessings of the heavenly sight.

He is a bilingual poet, translator, editor, and story writer. He writes in English and Odia language.

He has been pursuing his creative writing for the last twenty years and has authored more than one thousand English poems. All of his poetical exposition centres around Nature, God,   love, and relationships. Some of his poems have been translated into international languages. He has co-authored three English anthologies of poems with his two friends.  Besides he is the co-author of more than fifty English anthologies of poems of many literary groups.

He holds the degree of M.A. in both Economics and History. He has accomplished a Ph.D.  degree in sociology from Utkal University. He also holds a law degree from M.S. Law College, Cuttack. He hails from Mallipur in the district of Cuttack, Odisha, India.

His English poems have been published in several national and international journals and Anthologies and have gained worldwide appreciation. He has received so many accolades from various national and international literary groups. He is a recipient of the Gold Medal award from the World Union of Poets, Rome.