Poetry from Maja Milojkovic

Younger middle aged white woman with long blonde hair, glasses, and a green top and floral scarf and necklace.
Maja Milojkovic

Beyond the Mirror of Imagination 

In the mirror, through your eyes, 
You observe me 
You call me 
You hide 
You love 
You squint to forget 
To make everything stop 
The water in the mill doesn't stop 
It turns, 
Life flows like a river 
I am constantly reborn in your eyes 
Beneath the eyelids 
Love with which you cover another love. 
But forgetting happens when the mirror breaks, 
But our mirror is reborn when you look at yourself 
And see my eyes in your reflection. 
That is us, connected by thoughts 
Without encounters 
Without touch 
Without anything, 
But everything in the fullness of feeling 
Through the connection of the soul. 

Maja Milojković was born in 1975 in Zaječar, Serbia.
She is a person to whom from an early age, Leonardo da Vinci's statement "Painting is poetry that can be seen, and poetry is painting that can be heard" is circulating through the blood.

That's why she started to use feathers and a brush and began to reveal the world and herself to them.
As a poet, she is represented in numerous domestic and foreign literary newspapers, anthologies and electronic media, and some of her poems can be found on YouTube.

Many of her poems have been translated into English, Hungarian, Bengali and Bulgarian due to the need of foreign readers.
She is the recipient of many international awards.
"Trees of Desire" is her second collection of poems in preparation, which is preceded by the book of poems "Moon Circle". 
She is a member of the International Society of Writers and Artists "Mountain Views" in Montenegro, and she also is a member of the Poetry club "Area Felix" in Serbia.