Poetry from Susie Gharib


Aweary with the dirt 
that amasses at the doorsteps of multiple nations,
the trash of treaties, conventions, and dialogues
in assemblies that spew out noisome speeches,
the tedium of eloquence 
that has been evolving since the extinction of Dinosaurs
and other pre-historic creatures,
when heavy clubs and hand-held rocks 
gave way to more refined ways of resolving 
territorial grievance. 


Terror now runs in our veins
like electric currents that are ordained
for the God-forsaken and the condemned insane.

We daily anticipate the predicted forecast
of tremors, volcanic eruptions, or some devastating gales
that bring everlasting perdition in its inevitable wake.

Our homes have become gossamer 
in the breath of raging warfare.
Stars are dragons to be heeded 
and clouds are ominous bearers of pain.
They have injected terror into our brains, 
each nerve resonating to a parody of the end of times, 
prescribed to every indignant homo sapien.


It is only the second of January
and I am already bed-ridden,
unable to move a limb or lift an eyelid. 
I had mumbled something on the phone 
that made my brother nearly have a car accident. 
The search for a doctor immediately commences 
since I rarely fall ill. 

Nausea makes it impossible for me to suck 
a single sip of my favorite drink. 
I feel my grip on life fast loosening, 
but there is no white light beckoning 
or a flower-strewn tunnel 
at the end of which stands the welcoming dead. 
The mask-less doctor is reluctant to pinpoint the culprit.
‘Is it the new Corona?’ I faintly ask. 
2024 has just unwrapped its miscellaneous gifts.

If They

If they condemn ongoing butcheries in the Holy Land,
they are instantly accused of hate crimes,
of embracing anti-Semitism with a godly might,
but fortunately they happen to be Semites
and there is no way they could turn against themselves.

If they speak against the atrocities of Zionism,
they’re branded with the ugliest forms of racism,
but they are not the ones who inherited an apartheid 
that persecuted the Irish, red, and black.

If they invoke the help of Almighty God
to send Archangel Michael to battlefields
to support the persecuted in an occupied land,
fanaticism is the final verdict.