Poetry from Dr. Maheshwar Das

Middle aged South Asian man with short brown hair, reading glasses, and a gray spotted white collared shirt. He's in a brown chair and blue jeans in front of a yellow wall.

In the morning of April
The sky was looking so ebullient
Sunshine has not yet touched the earth
So nice time it was for all of us to reap corn in the field
It was a nice time for the birds to sing while eating insects in the field.
Many birds came and Twitter over the field
So melodious was their voice.
Among them, there were also herons
They are silent spectators
Meditative always on the prey.
Like fake saints.

My attention was diverted while reaping the corn.
For, they sang so sweetly
Further, from distant lands were coming 
the sounds of cuckoo.
My co-farmers were  also  enthusiastic
on cuckoo's sweet spell 

A subtle communication started between 
me and the sweet songbirds.
Oh  birds, for whom you are all singing so sweetly
For yourself
For, the creator
Or, for the creation. 
I could not get any answer from them.
I looked at them with an inquisitive eye
Sill could not.

While returning from the field
I could get my answer.
It came automatically to my mind.
It is, as if, a subtle voice was ringing in my ear.

Oh dear,
This is a very simple question.
We are not singing for ourselves
we are singing for the whole creation
To make the environment joyful
To fulfil the purpose of the Almighty.
In the process, we  get so much pleasure for making God's creation joyful.

 Oh, The Merciful Lord

There is nothing in the 
world like you
You are the epitome of love and blessedness
The epitome of magnanimity.
How much I thought of you.
Throughout the day and night, I am thinking of you.
You are gloriously present everywhere. 
The more I think of you, the more your glory is revealed.

Wherever I look, your gracious figure is coming to my mind.
For you are everywhere and in everything. 
Now I realise how it is to think of you,
In every object of the world living and nonliving.
There is nothing more blessedness than to 
feel  you everywhere
To remain under your spell of happiness and blessedness.
To remain in your sweet clasp.

Though In this earth field, other thoughts are  coming and disturbing
But I am trying to remain calm, thinking that these thoughts are also coming from you.
With this thought in mind, when I am merging my mind with your lovely thoughts, they are 
fleeing to their nest.

Oh, Supreme sweet master of the world your boundless love
has so beautifully enveloped the whole world.
It is clearly visible how distinctly and dazzlingly  you are present in all the objects of the world
I bow down at your lotus feet for infinite periods in silent reverence.


Oh Happiness you are like the ethereal songs of heaven.
Everybody wants to share your wings of love.
Where is your bough of blossoms?
Come on and spread your sweet fragrance on all of us.

Oh Happiness where is your passion of embrace.
Spread your subtle links of the net to cover all of us.
Where is your cheerful bed in which you lull all to sleep?
And intoxicate all in the rapt calm reverie.

Oh, Happiness the divine gift of heaven.
Your touch is like the charm of a thousand roses.
Your presence is the sweetest of morning breeze
And charmful abode of heavenly  peace

Oh, Happiness gives a place to all the wretched persons in your sweet lap.
To give a moment's joy to the restless soul.
To relieve the pangs they endure throughout their life.
To embellish them all in the glory of divine love and peace.


He came as per my invitation
He came with his characteristic smile
Most assiduously stepped into 
The dark room
Wide Opened
With cosy slow steps
There was deep silence all around
Outside there was a stiff winter night

With his flute in hand 
And the slow ringing of
anklet bells
He walked into the room
The room became lit
There was a smell of sweet flowers
As if it is a house full of flowers. 
As per his promise, he came
And went away seeing me unconscious.

I was in deep sleep
Could not greet him
A sombre deep dark sleep like a cloud
had wrapped me.
I could not get up
Could not reply
I woke up from deep slumber
The room was enthralled with the smell of flowers
And sandalwood paste 
I felt magical ecstasy

I wept and wept till morning

Dr. Maheswar Das is a bilingual poet, translator, editor, and story writer. He writes in English and Odia language.

He has been pursuing his creative writing for the last twenty years and has authored more than one thousand English poems. All of his poetical exposition centres around Nature, God,   love, and relationships. Some of his poems have been translated into international languages. He has co-authored three English anthologies of poems with his two friends.  Besides he is the co-author of more than fifty English anthologies of poems of many literary groups.

He holds the degree of M.A. in both Economics and History. He has accomplished a Ph.D.  degree in sociology from Utkal University. He also holds a law degree from M.S. Law College, Cuttack. He hails from Mallipur in the district of Cuttack, Odisha, India.
His English poems have been published in several national and international journals and Anthologies and have gained worldwide appreciation. He has received so many accolades from various national and international literary groups. He is a recipient of the Gold Medal award from the World Union of Poets, Rome.