Short story from Muslima Murodova

Central Asian teen girl with two black braids, earphones, a white tee shirt, a calm pensive expression, and foggy darkness behind her.

Warm bread

 Once upon a time, there was a woman named Nora. He had 2 children, one of them was Anwar and the other was Sanobar. The respect of the son and daughter for their mother was boundless. 

     One day Aunt Nora fell ill. The son was the breadwinner of the family. The daughter looked after her mother all day and sewed a dress. His mother wanted to eat something, but he could not describe what it was. One day distant relatives came to see him. He brought hot bread along with hot soup. Aunt Nora seemed to feel a surge of power as soon as the visitor entered the door. Then he found out that there was hot bread in the knot brought by the guest. He ate a piece of bread and his mood rose. He took care of the guest himself and even recovered. 

    The next day, in the evening, he was sitting at the table with his children. Then his son said to him:
 - Mother asked how you got better by eating plain warm bread. And Aunt Nora:

 - My son has a long history of this. I was young. One day my heel ran away. Even then something was eating me, but I never knew what it was. In those days, finding flour was a problem. But my father found flour for me and told my mother to bake bread for me. My mother wrapped hot bread for me. It was when you tried to eat the bread. It was not like other breads at all. I found out the reason later. He could taste the love of my parents. I scolded them in such a way that they were surprised. Since then I have not been sick at all. This happened again. Hot bread could fix me in this too. So, my parents knew about my illness. Therefore, God himself sent me our relative. 

You see, my children, there is so much wisdom in simple warm bread - he said and hugged his children. 
    Her children listened to their mother's story. They also look at their mother:

 "You know, mother, when we are sick, we can eat your hot bread and get well," they made her mother happy even more. Since then, Aunt Nora has never been sick.

 Dear reader, through this fairy tale, I explained to you the power of the simple bread baked by your mother. So never waste bread. After all, children in some countries are forced to live for a simple bread. Draw conclusions for yourself in the fairy tale!

Murodova Muslima Kadyrovna was born on June 29, 2010 in Jondar district of Bukhara region. Currently, she is a 7th grade student of school No. 30 in this district. Her first poem was published in 2024 under the name "Come beautiful spring". Winner of many achievements, she won the 2nd place at the festival held in the district. She won the 1st place in the district stage and the 2nd place in the regional stage of the "Bakhtim Shul: Zulfiyasiman Uzbek" contest. Her first anthology was published by the UK publisher Justfiction Edition.