Poetry from Elmaya Jabbarova

White woman with long black hair and a black blouse with flowers on it.
Elmaya Jabbarova
Labyrinth of love
As a hard-to-solve theorem, 
As the unknown of a mathematical formula, 
You have conquered my heart, 
I've been like a mad wanderer. 

If the clouds collide and lightning strikes, 
If a loving heart looks at the sky, 
If lightning wears a ring around his neck, 
Like a current of emotions. 

Love is an illusion, invisible to the eye, 
The bridge of love cannot be woven with rope, 
The word I love cannot be said in words, 
The secret is not known like pyramids. 

Happiness, you are a mysterious blessing, 
You are a name that cannot be appreciated, 
Sometimes you are destined to not love, 
As an unwanted gift. 

When it's enough, everyone becomes a king. 
By banishing longing, he becomes a king. 
Only when he sees us, act as 'Nadir shah' 
He does not remember like the misers.

Elmaya Jabbarova was born in Azerbaijan. She is poet, writer, reciter, translator. Her poems were published in the regional newspapers «Shargin sesi», «Ziya», «Hekari», literary collections «Turan», «Karabakh is Azerbaijan!», «Zafar», «Buta», foreign Anthologies «Silk Road Arabian Nights», «Nano poem for
Africa», «Juntos por las Letras 1;2», «Kafiye.net» in Turkey, in the African's CAJ magazine, Bangladesh's Red Times magazine, «Prodigy Published» magazine. She performed her poems live on Bangladesh Uddan TV, at the II Spain Book Fair 1ra Feria Virtual del Libro Panama, Bolivia, Uruguay, France, Portugal, USA.

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