Poetry from Nigar Nurulla Khalilova

Light skinned Central Asian woman with short blond hair and a tight blue top under a black sweater, seated at a brown wood table.

The Fire in the Eyes is Gone

I’ll never forsake you, I promise,
I’ll grow like strong wall for support,
And my prayer for you will be flawless,
It will soften the heart of the Lord.

All the falls, misery, addiction
And the poison of doubts and words,
Concentration of toxic affiction
And the illness that bothers and hurts,-
We just left them behind, we have managed.
And an incredible price has been paid.

We have washed off all sin and all damage,
There is no looking back and no fear,
New inviting alluring plans,
Through all hardships the stars are so near,
Will go firmly forth hand in hand!

I can’t leave you just like you demanded,
Oh, if only the Lord keeps me in,
Some may slander that we are enchanted,
But allegiance to charms is akin.

Nigar Nurulla Khalilova, poet, novelist, translator from Azerbaijan, Baku city, currently in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. She is a member of Azerbaijan Writers Union. Nigar N. Khalilova graduated from Azerbaijan Medical university, holds a Ph.D degree. She has been published in the books, literary magazines, anthologies and newspapers in Azerbaijan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, USA over the years. Nigar N. Khalilova participated in poetry festivals and was published in the international poetry festivals anthologies. Conducted data in the Austin International Poetry Festival (AIPF), 2016-2017.