Story from Amir Hamza

Young South Asian boy with short brown hair and a white collared school uniform shirt standing in front of a courtyard with buildings, grass, and trees.

A Brave Boy

One day a boy named Sofiq went to his School. In tiffin time he quarreled with his friends. So, he was distressed. After breaking the school he lonely went to the rail station. Then, he started working beside the train line. Suddenly he noticed that the train line was broken in a place. And that time he the whistled of a train. He could not know what he did. Then, he hit upon a plan. He had worn a red color tea shirt. He put out his tea shirt and then tired it with a stick and trebled it. The driver of the train noticed that and stopped the train. Finally he saved the lives of many people with his witness.

Md. Amir Hamza  is a student of grade seven in Harimohan Government High School, Chapainawabganj, Bangladesh.

One thought on “Story from Amir Hamza

  1. Wonderful story, with a successful resolution. Thanks for writing.

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