Story from Nahyean Taronno

South Asian boy's headshot. He's got short brown hair and brown eyes and a white collared shirt that's a school uniform.

Echoes of Ravenswood

Part 1: The Invitation

Ravenswood was a small town surrounded by thick woods. It was a quiet place with a lot of stories about ghosts and mysterious disappearances. Most people didn’t believe these stories, but one legend still scared everyone: the legend of the Blackburn Mansion.

On a cool October evening, four friends—Emily, Jake, Sarah, and David—met at Emily’s house. They had been friends since kindergarten, and now, in their final year of high school, they wanted to have an unforgettable Halloween. They wanted something different, something exciting, something scary.

“Let’s spend the night at Blackburn Mansion,” Jake suggested with a mischievous grin.

The idea made everyone excited but also nervous. The mansion had been empty for decades since the Blackburn family disappeared mysteriously. People said it was haunted, with lights flickering in the windows and strange sounds coming from inside.

“Are you crazy? That place is cursed,” Sarah said, though she looked curious.

“Come on, Sarah, don’t be scared. It’s just a story. We’ll go, check it out, and leave before midnight. It’ll be fun,” Jake encouraged.

After some convincing, they all agreed. They packed flashlights, snacks, and an Ouija board, mostly as a joke. As the sun set, they walked through the forest, the path lit only by the pale light of the full moon.

The mansion stood before them, its once-beautiful face now falling apart and covered in ivy. The iron gates creaked open as they pushed through, and the air grew colder as they walked to the front door. Jake pushed the door open, and they stepped inside.

The inside was dark and dusty, with cobwebs hanging from the ceiling and broken furniture everywhere. The air felt heavy, like the walls were holding the memories of old horrors. Even though they tried to be brave, the friends felt a chill run down their spines.

They explored the ground floor, finding only empty rooms and old furniture. Then, they decided to set up their camp in the grand hall. The high ceiling and fancy chandeliers showed how grand the mansion used to be.

“Let’s try the Ouija board,” Emily suggested, her voice shaking a little.

They sat in a circle, placing the board on the floor and each putting a finger on the planchette. The room was silent, except for the occasional creak of the old house.

“Is anyone here?” Jake asked, his voice echoing.

At first, nothing happened. Then, slowly, the planchette began to move. They looked at each other, eyes wide with disbelief.

“Who’s doing that?” David asked, his voice nervous.

“It’s not me,” Emily whispered.

The planchette kept moving, spelling out a single word: “LEAVE.”

A sudden gust of wind blew through the hall, putting out their candles and leaving them in darkness. They panicked, fumbling for their flashlights. When they turned them on, they saw with horror that the doors had shut themselves, trapping them inside.

“We need to get out of here,” Sarah said, her voice shaking.

They ran to the door, but it wouldn’t open. It felt like an invisible force was holding it shut. They tried the windows, but they were all sealed tight.

“Let’s stick together and find another way out,” Jake suggested, trying to stay calm.

They moved deeper into the mansion, the air getting colder with each step. The hallways twisted and turned, leading them in circles. They passed by portraits of the Blackburn family, the eyes in the paintings seeming to follow them.

Then, they heard a soft whisper, growing louder. It seemed to come from the walls, sounding evil.

“Did you hear that?” Emily asked, her face pale.

Before anyone could answer, the ground shifted beneath them, and they fell into darkness.

Nahyean Taronno  is a student of grade eight in Harimohan Government High School, Chapainawabganj, Bangladesh.