Poetry from Rahmiddinova Mushtariy

Central Asian teen girl with long dark hair and brown eyes in a dark black blouse holding a green and white umbrella.

I thank you              


(My father is devoted to Rahmiddin!)

Father, your words are bright and kind, 

Your words of wisdom are mysterious and magical,

Your teacher is different-minded,

Thank you, father!

We learned love from you,

We learned knowledge and enlightenment from you.

We learned manners and consequences from you.

Thank you, Father!

He watched us walk the streets,

He corrected our mistake without delay,

The reason is that he gave his gifts,

Thank you, Father!

Rahmiddinova Mushtariy Ravshan’s daughter was born on March 1, 2011 in Gulistan district of Syrdarya region. Now she is a student of the 8th grade. Mushtariy is interested in reading poetry, reading books, drawing. She appeared on television in kindergarten at the age of three and is still appearing on television. Participated in the Bilimdon competition. She took the 2nd place in English in the 2nd grade. Participates in many contests and projects. In the future, she will become a dentist. She is preparing for admission. Her dream is to make everyone proud of Mushtariy. She also participated in many anthologies and webinars.

Poetry from Noah Berlatsky

Fake to Real

There is a situation

Where I will be eaten by aardvarks

unless you kiss me amidst the lamentation

of the aardvarks.

It seems unlikely and contrived.

But the truth is a contrivance

raised on folded metal legs

like a praying mantis

that reaches down to kiss you.

The android praying mantis

is a real swooning android.

The moon is a true contrivance

of aardvarks and lamentations.

No narrative is eaten.

The fiction does not tell lies.

The moon sails out of the poem

to the room where you are reading,

about the moon and a kiss

and becoming what you dream,

a round mask on the face of the sky.

Poetry from Mirta Liliana Ramirez

Older middle aged Latina woman with short reddish brown hair, light brown eyes, and a grey blouse.
Mirta Liliana Ramirez

Heart in love

I’m in love

My heart has blossomed again.

It’s been broken so many times

I thought I’d never love again…

Today you’re in my life

You hit my heart with your smile…

I’ll try and enjoy it as long as this beautiful feeling exists that makes me happy

The ideas

Ideas are spinning in my head at full speed.

It is an endless number of flashes and images

That become humanitarian realities

It is an infinite sea That the universe provides me

To give light to all those who work culturally.

Mirta Liliana Ramírez has been a poet and writer since she was 12 years old. She has been a Cultural Manager for more than 35 years. Creator and Director of the Groups of Writers and Artists: Together for the Letters, Artescritores, MultiArt, JPL world youth, Together for the letters Uzbekistan 1 and 2. She firmly defends that culture is the key to unite all the countries of the world. She works only with his own, free and integrating projects at a world cultural level. She has created the Cultural Movement with Rastrillaje Cultural and Forming the New Cultural Belts at the local level and also from Argentina to the world.

Poetry from Sodiqova Adolatxon


When rain fell before, we’d sing with delight,
But now when it rains, we feel lost in the night.
The streets turn to mud, and we stay inside,
Bored through the day, with nowhere to hide.
Oh, rain in your shower, please cease your parade,
Let joy return back, let the sun’s warmth invade. 

Sodiqova Adolatxon

Hamid Olimjon and Zulfiya Creative school

Poetry from Gabriela Peinado Bertalmio

Light-skinned woman with brown eyes and light blonde hair, earrings, lipstick, and a necklace with a large heart pendant. She's got a black top and coat.


It is said that those who have the gift of procreation are granted

the divine right to be a mother.

It is said that he is a being who gives everything

To concepts where love is circular

To wakefulness, tears, joys

and with greater audacity of great courage and courage to contain

To maintain

Want unconditionally, stripping time to deposit it in you.

It is said that it comes from the Latin mater

and this becomes a significant meaning

Matrix matter, origin of life



To endless history perpetuating the species,

Infinite energy mamma amma nutricia…

so many definitions and interpretations

and in the facts… near or far are these concepts…



That from my location of receiving desire

fervently keep yourself for yourself,

collect from life and your progeny the laughter

and this ups and downs in fruits, sweets, flowers and loves

That you offer yourself to life,

fulfill expectations and

with a rainbow of multiple colors

fly with your dreams and concrete projects

You emit sparkles, sparkles in your beautiful eyes

That you have come to spend

and introject so many lessons learning

and personal value,

limit to so much commitment and responsibility

I tell her

To the good mother

To the one that provides containment, shelter and advice,

which denotes imperfection, chaos and recomposition,

The one who deigns well to love herself,

take care of herself and protect herself

For example, model is what I want

As a mirror to frame, adore

May your days be more than a special day!

Melt into hugs, kisses

and spaces of pure rest to so much effort

Mother present,

In the sky or wherever you are

Understand me:

That I want you free

You to me

Me to you

GABRIELA PEINADO BERTALMÍO – Dr. Honoris Causa (3 doctorates) in Culture, Peace and Health. Issued by outstanding universities. •Degree in Psychology from the University of the Republic O. Of Uruguay (UdelaR) .Post-degree Cognitive Behavioral A.LA.MO.C (Latin American Association of Behavior Modification), various specializations. •Professional Coach University of Barcelona CIECC, with all specializations: labor, educational, sports, business. •Educator in Human Values, gender and labor insertion (Ministry of Education and Culture) •President for South America in Physical Culture and Sports of UNAcccc United Nations. • President for Uruguay of the Federation of International Leadership and Open Intelligence. •Member of the board of directors of the Mil Mentes International cloister. •Poet, writer, designer of national and international renown with hundreds of recognitions.

•Referent in pioneering treatment in the world PIITRASS (Translational Integral Research Psychology) with the inclusion of therapeutic laser or photo bio laser modulation. •Member of the GPW Global Peace Women International directory •Director of the Psychological Clinical Center DAARCE (Attentional Diversity in Autonomies for Behavioral Recovery and Estimate) •President for Uruguay of the Federation of Feathers and Letters of Curumaní. Participation in numerous national and international poetic anthologies. •Athlete, Ultra Marathoner of national and international renown and current. •Captain of the Sports Team Actitud Celeste. • Referent in the incorporation of psychological space in sports, • Psychologist of the Group of Athletes of Uruguay. Member of the Sports Psychology Commission of the Athletic Confederation of Uruguay (C.A.U) •Six annual podiums given in the Group of Athletes of Uruguay (A.A.U). •More than 30 podiums in national and international races. • Founding member of International Management Competence. •Director for Uruguay of CONLEAM. (Confederation of Artists and Writers of America) •Member of the ERATO Group (Uruguayan poets) •15 years in political order acting as Coordinator of technicians and emission of Edu sports projects. ~Teaching exercised: CIECC, Escuela F. Delano Roosevet, Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Education and Culture ~Receips of international recognitions: Victoria Awards, Phoenix Awards, 2 Award the Best legislatura de Bs.As. Props, Silver Seagull, etc. 50 memorable Latin American women Querétaro Mexico Nov. 2023.

Recently, Nelson Mandela recognized the quality of World Giants in the projection of Peace and comprehensiveness, given to 12 world personalities and representing the country. Rome Antonianum University. Nov. 2024. _In overcoming and growth, we move forward together. _

Poetry from Lidia Popa

Middle aged light skinned woman with red curly hair and reading glasses with a long shell necklace and a black top.


Weaving the soul of the gaze on the world,

in the quiet embrace of a new day,

thoughts arise, like flowers in the depths,

in a garden of ideas, always in renewal.

With threads of light and dancing shadows,

I weave emotions on a canvas of life,

sewing moments of vibrant hope,

and shards of dream in an infinite plot.

The spirit of art, delicate and strong,

gives voice to the soul, and to the heart that feels,

creating bridges between reality and imagination.

In every verse, in every note,

the hidden beauty rises again,

in the mind, donating to peace

that shapes the world with pure inspiration

The Language is an indissoluble bond

There is a decency and a balance that seals healthy bonds.

Through the similarities, a welding of feelings that resists

to corrosion in time and space

even when we are far away.

Then there is the poet orator

in the quintessence of connections.

A ceramic bowl, flowers in autumn colors, a book for the soul

and occupations to keep traditions unaltered.

Poets from the languages ​​of the world that embrace the Europe of Hope.

We, a Festival of Languages ​​and Poets United for Peace.


Lidia Popa was born in Romania in the locality of Piatra Șoimului, in the county of Neamț, on 16th April, 1964. She finished her studies in Piatra Neamț, Romania with a high school diploma and other administrative courses, where she worked until she decided to emigrate to Italy.

She has been living for 23 years and worked in Rome as part of the wave of intellectual emigrants since the fall of the Berlin Wall.

She wrote her first poem at her age of 7. She is a poet, essayist, storyteller, recognized in Italy and in other countries for her literary activities. She collaborates with cultural associations, literary cenacles, literary magazines and paper and online publications of Romanian, Italian and international literature. She writes in Romanian, Italian and also in other languages as an exercise in knowledge.


She has published her poems in six books:

in Italy:

1. ” Point different ( to be ) ” – ed. Italian and

2.” In the den of my thoughts ( Dacia ) ” – ed. bilingual Romanian/ Italian AlettiEditore 2016,

3.“ Sky amphora ” – ed. bilingual Romanian/ Italian EdizioniDivinafollia 2017,

in Romania:

4. ” The soul of words” ed. bilingual Romanian/ Albanian Amanda Edit Verlag 2021,

5.” Syntagms with longing for clover ” ed. Romanian, EdituraMinela 2021.

6.” The Voice interior ” LidiaPopa and BakiYmeri ed. bilingual Romanian/Italian, Amanda Edit Verlag 2022.

Her poems featured in more than 50 literary anthologies and literary magazines on line from 2014 to 2023 in Italy, Romania, Spain, Canada, Serbia, Bangladesh, United Kingdom, Liban,USA,etc.

Her poems are translated into Italian, French, English, Spanish, Arabic, German, Bangladesh, Portuguese, Serbian, Urdu, Dari, Tamil, etc.

Her writings are published regularly with some magazines in Romania, Italy and abroad.

She is a promoter of Romanian, Italian and international literature, and is part of the juries of the competitions.

She translates from classical or contemporary authors who strike for the refinement and quality of their verses in the languages: Italian, Romanian, English, Spanish, French, German, stating that “it is just a writing exercise to learn and evolve as a person with love for humanity, for art, poetry and literature “.


*Member of the Italian Federation of Writers (FUIS)

*Honorary member of the International Literary Society Casa PoeticaMagia y Plumas Republic of Colombia,

*Member of Hispanomundial Union of Writers (Union Hispanomundial de Escritores) (UHE) and Thousands Minds For Mexico (MMMEX)

*President UHE and MMMEX Romania, August 21, 2021

*She had come power of attorney Vice-president UHE Romania, Mars18, 2021- August 21, 2021

*President UHE and MMMEX Romania, August 21, 2021

*Counselor from Italy for Suryodaya Literary Foundation Odisha India,

*Director from Italy for Alìanza Cultural Universal (ACU) Argentina

*Member Motivational Strips Oman,a member of numerous other literary groups at the level internationally,

*Director of Poetry and Literature World Vision Board of Directors (PLWV) Bangladesh


International Peace Ambassador of The Daily Global Nation International Independent Newspaper from Dhaka Bangladesh – 2023

*Founder literary group Lido dell’anima with LIDO DELL’ANIMA AWARDS

*Founder LIDO DELL’ANIMA Italian magazine

*Founder SILVAE VERBORUM INTERNATIONAL multilingual magazine

*Founder literary currently #homelesspoetry


Poetry from Graciela Noemi Villaverde

Light skinned, blonde/red haired Latina woman, smiling, with lipstick and earrings. She's got a necklace and a black v-neck top and is in front of a living room and a dining room with some food and drinks on the table and a woman sitting on the couch. She's wearing a watch and rings and bracelets and a star necklace.

My Sunset

You are the sun that sets my sunset on fire,

Painting the sky with fire and passion;

A fiery red, a satin orange,

Where your kisses, sweet honey, merge in my song.

Your voice, the breeze that whispers softly,

Among the leaves of my heart;

A warm whisper, a scent that bewitches me,

Like the jasmine that blooms in the afternoon, without ceasing.

Your gaze, the sea that calms my wave,

A deep blue, an endless mystery;

Its waves, gentle caresses on my soul,

That cradle my fears and make me smile.

You are the moon that guides my night,

With its silver light, full of peace;

A soft glow, a silver halo,

That lights up my path and turns my face away.

My sunset is beautiful, tinged with gold,

Because in your love I find my dawn;

The perfume of your skin, the fragrance of the dew,

An eternal dawn, a sweet and warm comfort.

GRACIELA NOEMI VILLAVERDE is a writer and poet from Concepción del Uruguay (Entre Rios) Argentina, based in Buenos Aires She graduated in letters and is the author of seven books of poetry, awarded several times worldwide. She works as the World Manager of Educational and Social Projects of the Hispanic World Union of Writers and is the UHE World Honorary President of the same institution Activa de la Sade, Argentine Society of Writers. She is the Commissioner of Honor in the executive cabinet IN THE EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL RELATIONS DIVISION, of the UNACCC SOUTH AMERICA ARGENTINA CHAPTER.