Elizabeth Hughes’ Book Periscope

Rosetta by Stephen Patterson
Rosetta by Stephen Patterson is a must have for the sci-fi fan. Tom Palermo is a maintenance tech who is sent to Providence to retrieve Rosetta, an ancient Martian language. Only problem is, there is no translation known. With a mix of humans, meta-humans, A.I.’s and others, Rosetta is action packed from beginning to end. I absolutely loved it and hope it will be made into a movie. With Christmas just around the corner, this would be an excellent gift. Enjoy!!

Elizabeth Hughes’ Book Periscope

Storm Over South Africa: The Rutherford Chronicles Part 1 by Michael G. Bergen
Storm Over South Africa: The Rutherford Chronicles Part 1 is the history of the Anglo-Boer War that happened from 1899-1902. Mr. Bergen has done an impressive and extensive research into this very short war in South Africa. He begins with the major people in the war from short bios of their lives to how they became involved from the very beginning. The extensive research into each and every one is interesting and comprehensive. He brings all of it together and brings the story of the war alive for the reader. This is and excellent read for the history buff, particularly someone interested in South African history. This book is a must read for the home library of the history buff. I found it highly interesting and amazingly detailed. I highly recommend this book.
My Name Is Tom by Jon Reeves
My Name is Tom is the story of Tom Joyce. His parents were two teens that lived in England in the 1970’s. The girl’s parents were staunch Christian, her boyfriend’s parents were not. The decision was made after Tom was born that the baby be given up for adoption. When Tom was born, the adoptive parents chose to name him Tom With their last name of Joyce. The adoptive mother was a staunch “Christian”, her husband was not, but went along with his wife’s decision. They also had a daughter. They adopted Tom so their family would be complete with one girl child and one boy child. As Tom grew older his mother became indifferent and always seemed angry or upset with Tom. He found solace in listening to rock on his record player. He became well versed in the latest bands, particularly those in England. When he became a teen, particularly an older teen, he became friends with guys that like the rave scene of the 80’s. He began going to raves on weekends and also began taking drugs, particularly Ecstasy with his friends. My Name is Tom is an excellent coming of age story set in England in the 70’s and 80’s. I enjoyed it very much and am sure that you will too.
Boston Darkens by Michael Kravitz
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Boston Darkens by Michael Kravitz may be fiction but it is completely plausible. It might be only one hundred pages, but a very powerful story is packed into that one hundred pages. It is about EMP’s, these are electromagnetic pulses. An EMP nuclear device has been set off and has completely stopped everything electronic, including all electricity, cars, cell phones, cell phone towers, all media except for survival radios. The Randal’s live in a nice neighborhood in Massachusetts. Most areas have been taken over by gangs, looting murder and other crimes. In Mr. Randal’s neighborhood the neighbors have come together to form a collaborative. They work together and share what they have to try to survive. Boston Darkens is a very plausible suspense thriller. It is very well written and will engage the reader to the very end. In just 100 pages it is not only a powerful fictional story, but is important to get people to start thinking of what could and might happen in this age where everything is run electronically. I absolutely loved it and highly recommend it.
Supremacy by K.M. Lovejoy
Supremacy by K.M. Lovejoy is a humorous political thriller with S and M erotica. If you liked Fifty Shades, you will love Supremacy even more. Supremacy makes Fifty Shades look like a PG rated beginners manual for S & M. Peter Graves lives in Oakland, CA with his wife and they have two daughters. He is suffering from a cancer called astrocytoma. The only hope he has is from embryonic stem cells created from his own sperm. However, the Supreme Court justices need to pass it into law. The only one standing in the way with his vote is Justice Sylvester Johnson. Peter is also heavily into porn and meets Aletha Maxwell, an ex-CIA and gets heavily into the S&M scene. What happens next gives the reader a well written erotic political thriller that will keep you intrigued until the very end. If you love S&M erotica you will love Supremacy by K.M. Lovejoy.

Elizabeth Hughes’ Book Periscope

Eve Blohm’s Four Seasons
Four Seasons is a collection of short stories, some that read like poetry and words of wisdom and encouragement. I love the advice she gives at the end of the first one, “The Bear and Wolf, the Owl has the Last 9/22/2016.’ They are definitely words of wisdom I wish I heard years ago, and will heed from this day forth. A couple of others I particularly liked very much are “Gray’s Life Drama” and “Bouquet of Love.” Although, all of them are very good. I highly recommend Four Seasons by Eve J. Blohm. This would be a great gift for someone who loves to read.
Lesley Graham’s Star Warrior
Star Warrior is a sci-fi novel that has plenty of action and adventure to keep your adrenaline going full speed until the very end. It will keep the reader on the edge of your seat and keep the pages turning throughout the whole book. Jack Quantum was a Star Warrior that would keep other Star vessels and space craft safe from pirates and any other unscrupulous criminals in the Star System. The Star Warriors would help the less wealthy people as the police force would mainly keep the wealthy safe and many of them had shady practices. Due to a horrific accident on a Star Warrior thunder turkey Jack Quantum becomes an employee on a Star Trader Ship. Just the mention of a Star Warrior on any vessel would be enough to keep most of the criminals away. This is a fast paced, action packed novel and must have for the sci-fi fan. I very highly recommend Star Warrior by J. Lesley Graham.
The Adventures Of Toby Bear by Kim Lake-Seibert
The Adventures of Toby Bear is a true story in the form of a children’s book. The illustrations are truly delightful as is the story. Toby Bear is the pet and loving companion of Little Kimmy. They were very close and Toby Bear knew when Little Kimmy was very happy and also comforted her when she was sad or ill. Toby Bear seemed to know just what Little Kimmy needed to make her happy. This being a true story makes this book an even more special children’s picture book. Small children delight at the story of the lovable Toby Bear and will love the wonderful illustrations. This would make an excellent give for any child and also a wonderful gift for a preschool or kindergarten or day care. Pick up a copy today and enjoy! I very highly recommend The Adventures of Toby Bear by Kim Lake-Seibert.

Elizabeth Hughes’ Book Periscope

Madam of My Heart by Gini Grossenbacher
Madam of My Heart, by Gini Grossenbacher, is a historical romance based on true events. It is the story of Brianna Baird. A teen girl in the 1800’s who lives with her pastor father, who has become a mean and abusive drunk, her mother who has become so beaten down through the years by her husband she can barely function and her older sister Annie, who tries to protect her curious younger sister from the wrath of their father.
Brianna becomes very curious and falls in love with a musician Spenser Brown. He leads her on and takes advantage of her. When she becomes pregnant he acts as though he does not know her. She also finds out he is married. Brianna’s father beats her and kicks her out of the house for her sins. Brianna goes to New Orleans. She becomes a seamstress in a brothel and meets Edward Spina, a gambler. He falls in love with her from the moment he meets her. Madam of My Heart is the story of their love, a love that is so deep it reaches their heart and soul. It is also the story of their hardships and how they work together to pull through whatever life throws at them. This is the first book in what looks to be a really exciting series of two people whose love is so deep it will take you breath away. I absolutely loved it and look forward to reading the next one in the series.
Chrysalis and The Woven Flag by Margaret Goka
Chrysalis is a must have for the poetry lover. My favorites are Shelter, Evening Scene, Below Great Falls, Chrysalis, Hearts, Illuminated Leaf and Water. Although all of the poems are extremely good. I know poetry lovers will enjoy this book as much as I have.
The Woven Flag is a book of poetry and must have for the poetry lover. My personal favorites are The Children, This Evening, Ode to School, At Kay’s, Words for Children, Riddles, Family Stones and Aunt Mary’s Soiree. I highly recommend The Woven Flag. If you have never really been into poetry, I know you will like this book. It is a must have for the poetry lover. It would also make a great gift.


The Revelation Unlocked by Carolyn M. Prince

The Revelation Unlocked is an extremely interesting book on the book of Revelation in the Bible. This would be an excellent source of study alone or with a group of others. I like the way she cross references everything to show how other passages in other books of the Bible lead up to the message in Revelation. Ms. Prince explains what the symbolism means in Revelation with the cross referencing of other books and verses. She will give the Greek word and then the complex definition or definitions and how to tell which meaning it is. I have been interested in studying the book of Revelation for many years, but, have not really been satisfied with answers that I have been given until now. Thank you Ms. Prince for your very informative study of this very complex yet interesting book of the Bible.
Slicker McQuicker by Jennie Wren
What a fun children’s book! The illustrations are bright and delightful. The message in the two stories in the book is absolutely wonderful. Slicker McQuicker and Friends teaches children that it is okay to look different. It teaches children just because someone looks different it is not nice and can hurt other’s feelings to make fun of them. I absolutely loved this book. It would be a great gift for your child or the child of someone you know. It would also make a great gift for a day care or elementary classroom.

Elizabeth Hughes’ Book Periscope

Flight To Ohio by Mary Anderson Parks
Flight to Ohio is an emotionally powerful and gripping story of a woman and her remaining child fleeing to Ohio to be free from slavery. They have been abused in the most horrible ways and her daughter and grandchildren had even been sold to another slave holder. Nellie and her son Tom flee Virginia to what they believe will be a better life in the North.  Her son was fathered by the plantation owner after he raped Nellie. Her son was born with light enough skin color to pass for a white man.
They split up once they cross the state line. Tom finds work with Daniel Fullerton, who sells real estate. After working for Mr. Fullerton and proving how trustworthy and smart he is, Tom suggests they buy a farm and start selling livestock also. Tom becomes a well liked and respected man in the town. He soon begins to court the young Sarah Long. Another man, a drinking and foul tempered man, also vies for the attention of Miss Long. Miss Long and Tom soon marry and have children. All of the children turn out to also pass as white. Things begin to look up for Tom and his young family until Hank Dexter’s jealousy begins to fester.
This book is emotionally powerful and gripping. You will not be able to put it down until the very last page. I highly recommend Flight to Ohio.
The Human Inside 
The Human Inside is a sci-fi  fantasy with a little romance and
humor. It is a fun story that can be enjoyed by middle
school aged kids to adults. It takes place in the 22nd century. Dr.
Kendrick of Amborg Industries has taken technology to the
next level and has enhanced young adults and teens to be
half human and half amborg. They are enhanced with advanced
computer technologies. They are half human and half robot.
They are trained to help law enforcement and military
personnel to fight the gangs that are trying to take over
Each amborg has a technician who works with them and
trains them and helps them to better fit in with the humans.
Most cannot speak with their vocal cords. They speak with
their minds linked to special bracelets. The Amborgs cannot
be harmed or killed like normal humans, which makes them
more valuable in battle. This is a fun and entertaining book
with adventures galore. It will keep the reader on the edge
of their seat until the very end. I highly recommend The
Human Inside by Y. T. Cheng.
The Secrets of All Secrets by Douglas Wells
The Secrets of All Secrets is a fun adventure that you can read quickly. It is fast paced and will keep your interest until the last page. It is about a USB that is placed in two people’s mailboxes by a mysterious person. Zane and Dali have been specifically chosen to carry out the search for The Secrets of All Secrets. They are instructed to place the USB in their computers at different locations. The USB can even communicate with them as if they were talking to someone face to face. The adventure begins when different people start chasing after them to obtain The Secret of All Secrets. I absolutely loved the book and highly recommend it.
Silver Lake by Gerry Poulin
Absolutely Fantastic! Silver Lake is a gripping thriller that will grab your attention from the very first page. It is one of those rare novels that will ramp up your adrenaline, so when you reach the end you will have to wait to read another because nothing will compare.
Tom Farrell’s father has died and left Tom deep in debt. Tom is a teacher at an elementary school. Before Tom can even bury his father someone cuts the brake line to his truck. He gets into an accident and finds out someone has tried to kill him. Other bodies start turning up. In an ill fated attempt to mess with Tom, someone places a gun in a gym bag in his school locker and gets him fired. This is definitely a must read. Excellent book, excellent writing. I would love to see this book made into a movie. I very highly recommend it!

Elizabeth Hughes’ Book Periscope

Exit Lives by Jamel Gross
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Exit Lives is a short horror story about a couple who plan to go on a trip after the husband’s grandparents died. The man’s grandparents told him stories that were so horrible he went to a doctor and was prescribed anti-psychotic meds to handle the delusions. On their way to the airport they meet someone who stops to help after their tire goes flat, and that person also tells them horrible stories. This book is a fast read and a must read for fans of the genre of horror. I highly recommend it.

Elizabeth Hughes’ Book Periscope


It Never Happened by Darrah J. Perez


It Never Happened is the first volume of three memoirs consisting of poetry and the story of Darrah J. Perez. How she became spiritual and how that has led her to a better place in her life. I liked both the poetry and her story. I really believe that others can use the wisdom from what she has learned through her mistakes in her earlier life. I really enjoyed reading the first volume and am looking forward to starting volume two. It Never Happened is very deep and thought-provoking. It will keep the reader interested and will want to continue reading all three volumes. I highly recommend It  Never Happened.

It Always Happens by Darrah J. Perez

It Always Happens is the second book in the trilogy of poems and stories by Ms. Darrah J. Perez. In the second volume, she shares more of her story of addiction and overcoming the addiction and abuse she has been through. She enlightens us with her wisdom from the Creator than has led her through this journey of sharing her knowledge and wisdom. Her poetry is very deep and will touch your inner soul. My favorite poems are “Karma Has a Message”, “It’s Never Goodbye”, and “A Saddened Heart”. Ms. Perez writes with the wisdom of someone who has been there and shares that wisdom with her readers. I believe we can all take something and learn something from these books of her life. I highly recommend reading them and look forward to reading the last book of the trilogy.
It’s Forever Happening by Darrah J. Perez
It’s Forever Happening is the third and final book of poems and stories of Ms. Darrah J. Perez’ life. This is the perfect ending to the trilogy. It wraps up the first two and comes to its final conclusion. My favorite poems were, “Life Has A Wavelength’, “My Heart Beats for You,” “Any Which Way the Wind Blows,” “Fighting To Survive,” “Home of the Greats”, and “A Dear Angel’s Time.”  Although all of Ms. Perez poetry will touch the reader in some way, these were the ones I particularly liked the best. In this final book she has some excellent advice in the stories. Each one will touch the heart of different readers in many different ways. Thank you Ms. Perez for sharing your deeply inspiring stories and excellent poetry with us. I highly recommend all three of the volumes.
Another best seller by Joe Klingler! Tune Up is a new Qigiq and Kandy thriller. Qigiq and Kandy were introduced in Klingler’s earlier novel Mash Up. Qigiq (Ki-jeek) is a detective rom Alaska on loan to the SFPD. They are caught up investigating a suspicious hit and run on an older woman in Chinatown. They need to find out who did it and why someone would target the older woman. This leads them to a much more complex world of crime with twists and turns that will keep the reader on the edge of their seat until the last page. Mr. Klingler’s writing is very smooth and filled with excitement in every page. The reader will want more after reading Tune Up. I look forward to reading the following books in the series when they come out. I very highly recommend Tune Up by Joe Klingler. This is a book that will not disappoint.