Elizabeth Hughes’ Book Periscope

Wanted You More by Hazel Boyd

wantedyoumorecover wantedyoumorecover1
Wanted You More is a wonderful book about how the lives of people intertwine. It is about friends, lovers, caring, compassion and heartbreak. It is a wonderful story of how when two people break up they can still be loving and caring friends. This book reminds us of how love and compassion really can conquer many things that life can throw our way.

Enough to Keep You, also by Hazel Boyd

Enough To Keep You is a very good book following the relationships of several women. It explores the highs, lows, happiness and heartbreak of each one. It is about how good friends stick by each other and care for each other through happy times and most of all when one is hurting. It is a very deep and meaningful novel. I loved this one as much as I loved the sequel, Wanted you More. This is a must have for your home library. Don’t forget to get the second one along with this one.

Elizabeth Hughes’ Book Periscope

Joe Klingler’s suspense novel Missing Mona

Book cover for Joe Klingler's Missing Mona
Missing Mona is an excellent detective/suspense novel. It is about a car mechanic who takes off in his Turbo Bronze Barracuda to drive cross country to Los Angeles. As he is leaving he picks up a beautiful hitchhiker named Mona. What follows takes Tommy on the adventure of his life. Missing Mona will take you on a thrilling ride all the way to the end of the book. Make sure to add this one to your collection and happy reading. I personally loved this one and will read it again and again!

Elizabeth Hughes’ Book Periscope

Adina Sara’s Blind Shady Bend

Blind Shady Bend is a wonderfully warm novel that will make you want to curl up in your favorite chair with a cup of hot tea or cocoa. It is perfect for this time of year as a gift or for yourself. Even though the story doesn’t take place during Christmas, I think it is the perfect book to read on a cold winter night. The characters come to life and you feel as if you know them. It is about Hannah, who gets a registered letter informing her she has inherited her deceased brother’s estate. She had no idea he had even died since she had not seen or heard from him in many years.  When she goes out to see the land, she finds a ramshackle house on overgrown property. Her life changes once she meets her neighbors. I know you will love this book as much as I have. This is a book that you will want to read over and over.

 Rea Nolan Martin’s The Anesthesia Game

WOW!! This is an absolutely breathtakingly deep book. It is mystical, suspenseful and exciting. The Anesthesia Game will not disappoint and will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat page after page after page. It is the story of a teen who has cancer and is undergoing chemo. Her mother and father are finding it very hard to cope with it. Her father stays away working most of the time, while the mother has checked out mentally, emotionally and nearly physically. She consults a psychic, who winds up being an important part of Syd’s recovery. The mother’s sister does not believe or approve of the mother consulting the psychic. Then everyone starts having the same dreams of living in the past as other characters who also have sick children. The psychic tries to find the right amount of energy in her quest to heal the child. You will be riveted to your seat reading The Anesthesia Game. This is definitely a must read. I absolutely love the book and I am sure you will too.

Joy Coates’ Integrity

Integrity is a fantasy novel that is a must have for the fantasy lover. I absolutely loved the book. It will keep you excited page after exciting page all the way to the end. It is the story of Audra Ketchum who recently moved to the small town of Integrity. She has found a job at Van Campe’s Antique shop. When Audra is doing the inventory and moving things around, she finds an old book that has become wet from a leak in the ceiling. She takes the book home to dry it out and read the history of Integrity. If you love stories of gargoyles and magic, this is just the book for you. Buy it today for yourself or for as a gift for the fantasy lover you know!

Charles Markee’s Maria’s Beads

Maria’s Beads is the perfect gift for a middle school child. it is about a selfless girl who has a very sick friend. Maria proves what true friendship is when she finds out the girl’s parents refuse to call a doctor. she tries to convince the adults around her that her friend needs help. she s the perfect example of true friendship and being selfless in a world of messages that teach kids just the opposite. this is the perfect gift for your child, a friend, a school classroom or the school library. I absolutely loved the book and know you will too.
Jennifer Ott’s Desperate Moon
If you like vampire stories, you will absolutely love Desperate Moon. it is, in my opinion a different and unique vampire book. It is the story of Katerina, who was turned into a vampire 600 years ago. She marries an army colonel in the 1800’s who loves fighting and war more than anything else. She meets a doctor who very much interested in the research of blood related diseases. He begins studying her blood when he notices she heals very quickly.This book will grab your attention and imagination. You will feel as you are with Katerina as she tells the story of her life for the past 600 years. She has learned much and gained great knowledge of people and the lives they have lived. I loved this book because it is not your typical vampire book. it is exciting and very deep. It will keep you riveted page after page to the very end.

Essay from Elizabeth Hughes

Holiday Gifts
At this time of year the signs, fliers and containers come out for gifts for the needy. After Christmas I see brand new books either in our recycle bin or outside the trash room due to the kids not wanting that particular book. If I may make a suggestion, for babies and toddlers, get the cloth or card board books. Something that tiny hands can hold easily and won’t tear. Not all parents will or can read to their children, so something like a cloth book with bright colors and cute pictures would be great for them.
For older and elementary school children, get a gift card to a book store, that way the child can pick out the book that will stir their imagination and get them excited about reading. It doesn’t even have to be a major book store. Used books stores probably have gift cards or certificates also. The older child will come closer to reading if they are able to find something that really interests them. It will also make them feel good about their gift and the experience of picking out one of many books that are out there. Please if you do get a gift card, pick one that they are able to buy something with and not just a $5 gift card. The child probably will not find what they want with a small amount. I am not saying it has to be a lot, but just the price of a book.

Elizabeth Hughes’ Book Periscope


Peter Jacob Streitz’ Hellfires Shake the Blues


Hellfires Shake the Blues is a deeply moving book of poetry. It is filled with many poems that will strike a chord with many readers. I am very sure that anyone will find several poems they will enjoy, if not all of the poems. I highly recommend this book for all the poetry lovers out there. If you have never really cared for poetry, give this book a try and I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I have!

You can order the book here. 

Elizabeth Hughes’ Book Periscope

Review of The Trotter of Tweeville: Harraf Namrattle by Shirin Lederman
The Trotters of Tweeville Harraf Namrattle is a very cute book. It should be read by mothers and fathers to their children, teachers to students, day care workers to the children they watch. It teaches all about manner and the importance of thinking before one speaks. There is too much rudeness in the world today, especially from children. This book teaches how much nicer it is to think before one speaks and hurts the feelings of another. I highly recommend it.
The Trotters of Tweeville Zavis DaMavis, Book 2 by Shirin Lederman
The Trotters of Tweeville Zavis DaMavis is as delightful and educational as the first book. The illustrations are colorful and so cute. Book 2 teaches children on the importance of treating others as they would like to be treated. This is also a must have for anyone that is in charge of teaching young and impressionable minds. I highly recommend this book.
Not So Wise Old Owl by Robert Parfett
Not So Wise Old Owl is the perfect book for toddlers, preschool and even kindergartners. Each page rhymes and can be read to children in a rhyming sing song voice. It is a very delightful story and just flows as it is read. Children will love the story and parents and caregivers will have reading it to them. I very highly recommend this book. I absolutely loved it and it brought a smile to my face!

Elizabeth Hughes’ Book Periscope

Three Yards and a Plate of Mullet by Adam Sachs


It begins with Jacob Yankelvich recalling when he was five years old and had a photographic memory. He would read everything on sports cards and then his father would have him recite what was on the cards when his parents had dinner parties. He would wow and amaze the guests with his memory. He tells of his life of trying out for sports all through school and how he became a sports writer. This is a very good story with lots of humor and will keep you on the edge of your seat page after page. I highly recommend this book. I absolutely loved it.

You may order Three Yards and a Plate of Mullet here.