(Dedicated to Ferghana Valley, the pearl of Central Asia)

In Ferghana, there is Chimyanyi,
In Namangan – Mashrabing,
In Andijan – You have a grandmother.
My Mother Valley.
You look like – to my mother,
Praise you to the world.
Is it possible without praise?
My Mother Valley
You are a long history
You are a country of scholars and scholars.
My inheritance from my ancestors,
I’m old-fashioned
You are my blooming valley.
May your way shine,
Toleyi hur is my place.
Good luck to the shining world,
Always stay healthy and safe!
Fergana Valley is known to many as a region rich in beautiful and unique nature, peaceful corners, diverse fauna and flora. At the same time, this place is the holy ground where the ashes of dear saints and ancestors lie, a corner where different nations and peoples gather around one table, a place where the world recognizes the hard work of the Tanti people and bows before them.

In fact, the Fergana Valley or the Fergana Valley is a valley located between the mountains in Central Asia and one of the large intermountain valleys (valleys) of Central Asia. The valley is located mainly in the territory of Uzbekistan, partly in the territory of the Republics of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. It is surrounded by Tien-Shan mountain ranges from the north and Hisar-Olai mountain ranges from the south. A large part of it is in the form of a triangle extending to the northern slopes of the Turkestan and Olai ridges, and is surrounded by the Kurama ridge and the Chatkal ridge from the northwest, and the Fergana ridge from the northeast. In the west (8-10 km wide) it is connected with the Tashkent – Mirzachol bog through the “Khojand Gate”.
The general structure of the Fergana Valley is elliptical (almond-shaped) and widens from west to east.
The climate is continental, the average annual temperature decreases from west to east. There are many running waters in the area. Norin, Karadaryo, Sokh, Isfara, Shohimardonsoy, Akbura, Govasoy, Chodaksoy are rivers and streams that flow from the mountains and are fed by snow and rainwater. Along with rivers, there are more than 100 lakes, the largest of which are Sarichelak, Kurbankol, Karasuvkol and others. Also, these lands are distinguished by the fact that they are very rich in underground water. That is probably why the Fergana Valley is known to everyone for its healing springs such as Shorsuv, Jalalabad, Avval. In addition, Shahimardon, Vodil, Nanay, Chortoq, Chimyon, Chodak are beautiful and peaceful settlements, which are famous not only in the republic, but also among the countries of Central Asia.
The valley is one of the regions that can be proud of its history. Archeological research has proven that the first remains of mankind in the country belong to the early Paleolithic period, and that mankind has been living in these lands since that time. The cities of Ferghana, such as Khojand, Ko’kan, Margilon, Osh, Andijan and Namangan, have long been the largest population centers, centers of science and culture, trade and crafts, as well as scholars, poets and writers. It is also well known as the Motherland of Scholars. In addition, there are more than 300 historical and archaeological monuments in the country, many of which are protected by UNESCO. It is no secret that the region has been attracting tourists.
Due to its location in a favorable geographical area, the region has all the conditions for the development of economy and agriculture. Therefore, large-scale cotton growing, silk growing, and viticulture are developed industries in the Fergana Valley. The main type of crop is cotton, and in some places rice is grown. The area also has gardens, vineyards, and farms. In this, large reservoirs such as Big Fergana, Southern Fergana, Big Andijan canals, Qairokgum, Karkidon, Andijan, which are powerful hydrotechnical facilities, play an incomparable role.
The deserts in the center of the valley are currently being developed. The desert areas serve as pastures throughout the year, and the hills in the spring months.
There is another area in the Fergana Valley, which is one of the largest areas with a 1,500-year history. This is the silk industry, which has a great reputation in the valley republic. Marg’ilan shari is world-famous as a center of silk, satin and adras. Therefore, various festivals and celebrations are organized in the city.
Economically, several large factories, enterprises and factories were built in the valley area from the beginning of the last century. The cities of Kokan, Andijan, Kirguli, Namangan, Kuvasoy, and Pop are distinguished by their slow economic growth. It has been developing and flourishing in recent years. Due to the attraction of foreign investments, the number of large joint ventures is increasing. As a result, the pictures of the development of all areas are increasing, and the living conditions are improving.
The Fergana Valley is considered one of the most densely populated areas in Central Asia, and the cities of Khojand, Kokan, Fergana, Andijan, Namangan, Osh, and Jalalabad are located in this area. The level of urbanization is also high. At the same time, the ethnic composition of the valley population is diverse. In terms of numbers: Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Kazakhs, Russians, Uighurs, and Kashgars make up the majority. They have been living in this area since time immemorial and live a peaceful, prosperous and friendly life with the local population.
First of all, this is a result of fair equality and fair policy conducted in our country. Therefore, our elders always say, “Thank you for the peace and prosperity of our country and the leader who is at the head of these things!” God bless you!” – they open their hands to pray. The Fergana Valley is such an ancient and modern place that is developing in every way, blessed by God.

Makhamadov Abduhoshim is a student of Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute.