Essay from Aituvova Khurshida

Central Asian teen girl with makeup, long dark hair, brown eyes, a gold chain necklace, and a white or cream top. Social media filter that makes her look sparkly.
Aituvova Khurshida

“Towards a bright future without corruption”

Abstract: Establishing a free and prosperous life in the society without corruption. Joint fight against corruption, formation of human consciousness and rights. Offenses related to corruption. Key words: corruption, money, state, society, law, law, offense, substance, Uzbekistan, people.

The fight against corruption remains one of the most urgent issues of today’s world. The fight against this disease covers many countries of the world. The Republic of Uzbekistan also contributes to the fight against corruption. Currently, a number of anti-corruption programs have been adopted in our republic, and extensive work is being carried out on them. Corruption arises from the attitude of ordinary people to high officials or state officials to each other. Any manifestation of this negative situation will inevitably bring the society to the brink of destruction.

It is known that today corruption has become an international problem and very serious attention is being paid to this issue. A lot of work is being done in this regard in our country. For example, the law “On Combating Corruption” was developed by our country and adopted by the Legislative Chamber on November 24, 2016. Approved by the Senate on December 13, 2016. Article 2 of this law states: “The anti-corruption legislation consists of this Law and other legislative documents. If the international agreement of the Republic of Uzbekistan stipulates different rules than those stipulated in the anti-corruption legislation, the rules of the international agreement shall be applied.

It should be emphasized again that I think it will be appropriate if we work together with our people, in solidarity, in harmony, to create a free and prosperous life in our country.


1. “Law on Combating Corruption”.

2. site.


Aituvova Khurshida is a 3rd stage student of the Faculty of Philology of Gulistan State University.

One thought on “Essay from Aituvova Khurshida

  1. “Towards a bright future without corruption” It is the more impotant, I think. It is the thing one sees elsewhere and causes a grunt: some small exclamation of the tongue, the birth of language in Freedom.
    Thanks for words Aituvova Khurshida

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