Essay from Barnoxon Ruxieva

Barkamol Avlod Children's School. Large urban looking building with large glass windows and big gold letters. Some trees and a concrete walkway in front.
Jumayeva Aziza, Director of Barkamol Avlod Children's School
A place where talented people are trained

Studying the interests of talented boys and girls studying in general secondary schools and their "BARKAMOL AVLOD" children's centers are launched in the regions in order to educate their abilities.

Their main goal is to make children creative and artistic according to their needs and interests to develop their abilities, to teach them diligence, initial training and vocational training inculcating skills, the history of the country, archeological and cultural heritage is deep
study, familiarization with the natural resources of our country and ecology and environment acquisition of basic knowledge in the field of protection, promising development of science and technology
by organizing the study of technical tools and computer technologies in accordance with the directions is to develop children's technical creativity.

Here are culture and art, tourism and ecology, technical construction and modeling, specializes in crafts and manual labor, physical education and sports, and learning foreign languages.

There are dozens of circles.
Pedagogical staff of the school meet the state requirements for extracurricular education and are established organizing the educational process on the basis of approved training manuals and programs. They carry out educational work at a high level, improve the content of education, and teach actively participate in the creation of tools. In children qualities such as hard work, kindness, compassion formation, loyalty to the Motherland, to the state language, national and universal, historical and cultural
respect for values, parents and older people, care for the environment. 

Educating in the spirit of relationship is also important.
The pedagogue constantly assumes the level of his theoretical knowledge, pedagogical skills and professional qualifications
takes the responsibility of constantly improving and working on himself. 

To the relevant information of higher educational institutions and vocational colleges, as well as professional individuals with training and high moral qualities. Taking pedagogical activities at the center
Also, in necessary cases, those who do not have relevant pedagogical education, but are professional training and high moral qualities and "Master", "Master of Sports" in technical and tourism
"or persons with the status of "Candidate for Master of Sports" also with pedagogical activity at the Center can be involved.

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