Essay from Dildora Toshtemirova

Young Central Asian girl, face closeup, dark straight hair, brown eyes, a freckle, and a pink shirt.
Dildora Toshtemirova

Dreams definitely come true

You know that we always dream, but these dreams may or may not come true. Whether our dreams come true or not is in our hands. We should always try because a person who can dream can certainly act.

The strongest people are those who take steps towards their dreams, do not listen to what people say, and have their own opinions. People whose dreams do not come true are the weakest and most unlucky people, because they do not take steps towards their dreams, they just live and dream.

Dreams come true sometimes quickly, sometimes more slowly, some of our dreams even take years to come true. There is a reason why our dreams come true late. The most important thing is that we should not stop.

Why do so many people fail in the pursuit of their dreams or stop halfway to their dreams? The reason for this is their lack of will, they realize their dreams in part and they say that I did it and it will happen to me. But people who think like that have made a big mistake.

You know that the first step taken to make dreams come true can be difficult, but the end will be very beautiful. The main thing is to believe in yourself. Promise yourself that “I will definitely make my dreams come true.” Overcome all difficulties on the way to your dreams, never take a step back. You can certainly make your dreams come true.

Do not forget that your dreams will come true, the main thing is not to make the above mistakes. I repeat once again, dreams will definitely come true!

Toshtemirova Dildora Hakim qizi was born in Uzbekistan in 2008. She is a school student.