Essay from Dildora Toshtemirova

Central Asian teen girl with long dark hair behind her head, a ruffly white blouse, and a long black skirt standing in front of a door decorated by holiday garlands reading 2024.

Dreams will definitely come true

You can always achieve your dreams. You just have to believe and act. It’s true that sometimes you get depressed, things may not seem like it, but your efforts will pay off one day. You just have to sincerely believe in dreams.

I also have many dreams and I am gradually achieving these dreams.

 You know, many years ago, when I was 6 or 7 years old, my parents used to take us to many festivals and theaters, and I was envious of those who participated in the festival or those who acted on stage. I used to say to myself that I wish I could go to the stage and take part in the celebrations. I dreamed of being like them, thinking that maybe I would be like them when I grow up. I had forgotten this dream of mine. But when I was young, I was so envious that I was able to play a role in the theater at the age of 14 and at the age of 15 to perform on the big stage at the festival. After a long time, I achieved my dream. True, some people may say that this is both a job and a dream, but I am very happy that I have achieved my dream from my youth and I once again believed that if a person really wants something, that dream will come true. Your dream may not come true when you want it, but your dream may come true at an unexpected time.

Believe in your dreams and keep moving. Because you can’t make dreams come true.

Toshtemirova Dildora Hakim qizi. She was born on October 9, 2008. A lot has been achieved so far. Here articles and poems have been published in many newspapers and magazines. Member of many organizations. She is the holder of an international certificate.

One thought on “Essay from Dildora Toshtemirova

  1. Dildora, Is that dream? Yes. Tere is a way in and a way out. It is imaginary until we walk through it.
    Happy dreams.

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