Essay from Dilfuza Salomova

Teen Central Asian girl with long black hair and a black dress on top of a white blouse standing out in a field with lots of grass and a few trees.
Dilfuza Salomova
What is success?
Happiness? Money? Health? Doing what you love? Family?
Success is a subjective concept and it does not come down to one factor!
We all call "success" different things. But what I wrote above can be success factors for almost everyone.
Success is the result! The blessing that comes from the actions you take.
To show results in the desired direction, you need to make an effort.
Therefore, train your brain to think in terms of results.
Otherwise, you will most likely struggle.
Let's think logically:
- success is a result.
- in order to achieve the result, a planned action is needed.
Logic!) Now I have one question: what is stopping you from taking action now?
More importantly, why don't you start?
After all, almost nothing can be achieved without action...

2 thoughts on “Essay from Dilfuza Salomova

  1. I know You are a very smart and successful girl, I believe you will do everything and achieve your goals.
    Good luck!!!!!

  2. Hello! My beautiful friend! You are amazing and smart. And most importantly you are correct. Successful people make businesses and work everyday to becoming a millionaire! I think you will be one of them, inshaAllah.
    Success~ the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.
    Now have a lovely day.
    —Shakhina Komilova

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