Essay from Diyora Bakhodirovna

The role of psychological characteristics in the development of a person as a person

                Karakalpak State University

              Uzakbaeva Venera Abatbaevna                                                                                     

Individuality as a personality trait. The essence of individuality is that an individual has his own existence, remains himself, and carries out independent activities in another integrated system. Human individuality is the uniqueness of each individual. A person does not lose his independence even if he belongs to a group in the social existence around him, he remains as a subject with his own identity.

The individual identity is reflected in all the signs of individuality. However, the essence of the uniqueness of individuality is not only related to the external appearance of the individual, but also manifests itself in unique ways as a subject of activity. Individuality can be called a special form of a person’s way of life in society. When we compare the concepts of person and individuality, they cannot be put together, because individuality is a characteristic of a person.

The concept of personality reflects the socially important characteristics of a person as a separate individual. However, if the essence of a person is the personification (personalization) of his social relations, then a separate person manifests his social essence in the form of individuality. In individuality, he creates his own image, becomes the “author” of his own behavior. “If a person is the highest “peak” of the composition of human characteristics, then individuality is the deepest structure of a person and a subject of activity. A person without individuality and identity cannot exist abstractly and realistically.

Thus, a person is social by nature and individual by way of life. It embodies the unity of sociality and individuality, essence and existence.The concepts of person and individuality are not only interrelated, but also mutually support each other. The formation of human personality qualities is interconnected with self-awareness. The behavior of an individual, his attitude to his social roles and duties depends on his individual consciousness, level of development and individual characteristics. Thus, individuality is not only associated with a person, but also constitutes his most important characteristic.

Therefore, it should also be included in the definition of a person. The concept of individuality does not fully correspond to the concept of a person. If the concept of a person expresses the social aspects, social content of a person, reflects his social status and values, the concept of individuality reveals the forms and methods of his life. Natural characteristics do not form individuality by themselves. In order for a human individual to become an individual, he must cease to be a “unit”, a “copy” and gain independence in his existence. Individuality is an important formed feature of an individual, it is a unity of natural and social properties, consciousness and activity.

Thus, individuality is manifested in the object world, nature, and personal society. According to the most important definition of individuality, it reflects the identity of an individual. If the concept of person represents the social content of a person, the concept of individuality reflects his lifestyle and forms. The concept of individuality is closely related to the formation and development of a person’s individuality and uniqueness. In general, the individuality of a person is acquired in the society during his life, provides a goal in the hierarchy of values, can control his behavior during the struggle of motives, is manifested in the process of communication and activity, in others and in himself. is a set of meaningful relationships and guidance.

The Swiss psychologist J. Piaget (1896-1980) recommends to study the development of a person in several periods: 1. Child – external environment – data processing. 2. Thinking: a) before the social era; b) social period.3. Intellect (mind); a) sensorimotor – up to 2 years; b) operational period – up to 2-7(8) years; c) period of obvious operation – up to 7(8)-11(12) years; g) officially (formal) operation period – 11(12) – 15 years old.

American psychologist J. Bruner says that there is a two-way relationship between the formation of a person and education, and if the human’s striving for perfection increases the efficiency of learning, the improvement of education He claims that it accelerates the process of his socialization. In this way, the science of youth psychology has gone through several stages of development and reached its current level.

Scholars of Central Asia, psychologists from near and far abroad contributed to its development. The aforementioned theories, practical and scientific data, methods created by researchers retain their importance. Theories of the classification of age periods in psychology There are a number of independent theories on the classification of age periods into periods, they approach the study of the human personality from different points of view and illuminate the essence of the problem in different ways.

They can include biogenetic, sociogenetic, psychogenetic, cognitivist, psychoanalytic, behaviorist theories. A person is a member of a certain society, he is psychologically developed, distinguished from others by his characteristics and behavior. In the national model of personnel training, a person is defined as the main subject and object of the personnel training system, as a consumer of educational services and as a provider of them.

The state policy in the field of personnel training envisages intellectual, spiritual and moral education of a person, and his manifestation as a comprehensively developed person. The implementation of this social demand guarantees the right of every student to get knowledge, to show his creative abilities, to develop intellectually and to work in a specific profession. In order for a person to become a person as a social being, social environment conditions and upbringing are necessary. Under the influence of these, a person develops as a person and becomes a person. Age and specific characteristics of development. Anatomical, physiological (physical) and psychological characteristics characteristic of a certain age period are called age characteristics.

Education and training work is organized taking into account these young characteristics. Then the influence of education on the child’s development will be strong. It is important to know and take into account the characteristics of the different age periods of the child’s development in order to have a proper approach to the education of children and to teach them successfully. Because the growth and development of the child’s organism, as well as mental development, are different at different ages. Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Yan Amos Comensky, K. D. Ushinsky, Abdullah Avloni also emphasized the need to educate the child. It is very difficult to take into account the unique characteristics of the child.

Because even children of the same age can be different mentally. For example, their ability to see and hear, their activity, their quick perception, their slow thinking, their calmness or restraint, their eloquence or lack of speech, their enthusiasm or lack of enthusiasm, their laziness or diligence. . and it is important to know the methodology of studying the child’s unique characteristics. Temperament (lat. “temperamentum” means “relation of parts to each other”) is a set of individual psychological characteristics of a person.As we have already said, a person is not born as a person, but is developed over time, and most psychologists agree with this.

Maklakov in his book “General Psychology” states that “there are different views on the question of what laws the development of a person is subject to.” These inconsistencies arise as a result of a different understanding of the importance of society and social groups in the development of a person, as well as the laws and stages of development, crises in the development of a person, opportunities to accelerate the development process, and other issues. There are different theories of personality, each of which deals with the problem of personality development in its own way. For example, psychoanalytical theory understands development as adaptation of human biological nature to social life, development of certain defense mechanisms and ways to satisfy needs.

The theory of social learning represents the process of personality development as the formation of certain methods of interpersonal interaction between people. Humanistic and other phenomenological theories explain it as a process of becoming “I”. However, in addition to considering the problem of personality development from the point of view of one or another theory, there is a tendency to consider the personality holistically, from the point of view of various theories and approaches. Within this approach, several concepts have been formed that take into account the coordinated, systematic formation and interdependent change of all aspects of a person. These developmental concepts are called integrative concepts. The peculiarity of the socio-psychological approach to the personality problem is that it is considered as a consequence of various forms of interaction with different groups.

That is, Social psychology, first of all, studies what laws the behavior of a person who is a member of a group obeys, how the effects of a person in the communication system are reflected in his mind. The way in which the influence of the group on the psychology of the individual takes place is intrinsically related to the problem of socialization in social psychology, and how these effects are directly manifested in the behavior of the individual is related to the problem of social guidelines. is liq. It is one of the main tasks of social psychology to develop mechanisms for managing individual behavior, determining the qualities that are formed in a person and their manifestation in different types of people.

The concept of socialization is a socio-psychological category, and it is a process that expresses the level of a person’s exposure to the external social environment surrounding him, his tendency to assimilate its norms and rules. A person is born and grows up under the influence of the external environment that directly surrounds him, he is brought up surrounded by this society and this environment.


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