The future of the young generation has always been at the center of Uzbekistan’s state policy. Even today, large-scale reforms in all spheres are being rapidly carried out in order to eliminate the problems that have arisen in our country, to create conditions that positively affect the development and education of young people.
Uzbekistan is truly a country of youth. Young men and women growing up in this country have many dreams and goals. The initiative and support of the head of state will help them realize these goals. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev said: “As we have set ourselves the great goal of establishing the foundations of the Third Renaissance in our country, for this we must create the environment and conditions that will educate new Khorezmians, Berunis, Ibn Sinas, Ulugbeks, Navoi and Baburs.” In this, first of all, development of education and training, establishment of a healthy lifestyle, promotion of science and innovation should serve as the main pillars of our national idea”, – his words opened the way for young people to achieve great goals.
Many reforms are being implemented in order to effectively spend free time of young people, introduce them to the rich heritage of our ancestors, and instill love and pride for the motherland. In particular, we are witnessing the opening of many doors of success by the Republic Youth Affairs Agency. Special projects for women, development classes, new decisions, new stages of support are becoming more and more popular. That’s why it is worth saying that today our youth is strengthening the foundation stone to build their goals and future. Young people are recognized as an active layer of society in all spheres. In particular, the fact that this recognition has been doubled today is a great result. The reason is that their role was incomparable in the period of the Eastern Renaissance, in the activities of the moderns, and in the renewal of society. In this respect, this regularly forming layer requires constant guidance and support.
Analyzing the reforms implemented in the field of youth policy, we can see the inextricable connection between the state and the youth. Employment of young people continues in every direction. Necessary conditions are being created for boys and girls to develop in all aspects and get education. This is important for them to become a generation that will contribute to the development of the country in the future.
Gulasal Achilova, 19 years old
Anastasia: About today’s “Opportunity in Uzbekistan”.