Essay from Gulbahor Ergasheva

Annotation: The author of this article discussed the advantages and disadvantages of online education for teaching foreign languages, as well as important changes to our nation’s educational system. The widespread use of distance learning, particularly among different forms of education, is encouraging. It’s no secret that many internet users only use it to read the news, look up information, send emails, or spread rumors. 

Changing the focus teacher-centered towards learner-centered learning is a progress sign of line resource technology in the world of Education. When a student or pupils are physically separated from their teacher, they are said to be participating in distance learning. A variety of technologies are used to offer the majority of the training materials. In 1979, the University started communicating with students through radio and television broadcasts for the first time in the history of distant education in China (later audio cassettes bacome widespread. Through correspondence courses and short-term meetings, there were bilateral dialogues.

In addition to print and media mailings, contemporary computer technologies are employed more and more frequently today: E-learning, online education, audio/video conferencing, and internet broadcasts. Alongside the help of these technologies, students can take tests and exams anywhere in real time with teachers. Any individual, regardless of age or physical capability, can access information remotely. Students are very independent and are able to get in touch with their teachers almost at any time. The benefit of this teaching approach is that each student learns at their own pace in a familiar, psychologically cozy environment. Depending on the course’s curriculum, graduates will either receive a diploma or a certificate.

You will be able to work in addition to thinking. Actually, the vast majority of applicants who choose separate learning are reneging. Their occupations are those who wish to memorize but do not need to give up. Online technology makes it easier for the online community to interact and gives teachers and students a platform to provide feedback and suggestions for their language development. In online learning, you will in fact consider having some extra cash at midnight after you get home from work. Any program (online or otherwise) may have a lower cost for the level of separate learning. Online learning for understudies is the best way to look for financially feasible options.

Please be brief! You will be able to save time by taking the transportation to and from the centers for preparation. You can get the information you need immediately when learning online. The most common method of removal is inspiration if you consider trying. Some lessons are taught in buncha, which is advantageous. There aren’t many understudies here. A few people get it gradually while the majority gather faster. Separate learning could be a more effective strategy in this regard, but it has a higher chance of causing distractions. There are no classmates or teachers to remind you of upcoming assignments in face-to-face interactions. You must put in the necessary time and effort if you want to successfully complete a distance learning course. Organizer’s misfortune.

The biggest threat to online learning is the web’s moderate execution of suppliers or communication interference. In this instance, the candidate’s obsession with memorization causes depression or anxiety. Regardless of your point of view, remembering that you are perfect will help you learn. The Uzbek instructional framework is the same across the pass, for better or for worse, it must be admitted. The research presented in this article leads to the conclusion that online teaching resources like apps and programs are very effective and that schools need to improve their facilities. 


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2. Xorijiy tillarni oʻqitishda online ta’limning yutuqlari.

3. Syukur S, Muhammad B, Amrilluh, Ramly R Using online resources technology for foreign language learning: strategies, impact and challenges.