Ibrahimov Saidakbar
Tashkent State University of Law
Faculty of Criminal Justice
3rd-grade student
Today, we are informed about the work and life of the national poet of Uzbekistan, a great representative of our literature, academician Gafur Ghulam through school textbooks, various books, or mass media. However, it will be useful if we briefly dwell on the work of this artist and learn the necessary conclusions from it.
People’s poet of the Republic of Uzbekistan Gafur Ghulam was born on May 10, 1309, in the Korgontegi neighborhood of Azim Tashkent in a family of hard workers. His father Ghulam Mirza Arif knew the Russian language, read poetry, and wrote poetry himself. Gafur Ghulam was nine years old and his father died when he was fifteen. In these periods of his youth, our writer studied first in the old school, and then in Russian-Tuzem schools. After completing teacher preparation courses, he teaches in schools. Gafur Ghulam even works as a teacher in an orphanage and for some time as a director of such schools. At that time, the writer established relations with the publishers of various newspapers. He works in the newspapers “Kambagal Dehgan”, “Kyzil Uzbekiston”, and “Sharq Haqikatii”. The first literary activity of the poet began in 1923. He expresses his life
in the poem “Felix’s Children” written this year. The poet’s first poetry collection was published in 1931 under the name “Dynamo”, and in 1932 the second collection was published under the name “Living Songs”.
As everyone knows, world and Uzbek literature has many great representatives of prose and poetry. That is, most creators have their creative achievements in the same direction of literature, and some creators feel free in poetry, and others in prose or drama, and enhance their creativity. When we hear the names of Abdulla Qahhor and Abdulla Qadiri, we think of masters of the epic (prose) genre, when we think of the names of Abdulla Oripov, Usman Nasir, Hamid Olimjon, Muhammad Yusuf, we think of artists who have come to the public’s attention with their poems. Because someone was an
unwitting fan of one of their works, and someone was a fan of their poems. However, if we dwell on the name of Gafur Ghulam, we can think that the ideas mentioned above are somewhat inconsistent with his works. Because the creator skillfully waved his pen in both prose and poetry genres and left great examples of creativity in both directions, and each of them is worthy of admiration. In particular, anyone who is interested in Gafur Ghulam’s work is familiar with the artist’s work “Shum Bola” or “You are not an Orphan”. The author’s short stories and stories “Netay”, “Yodgor”, “Resurrected Corpse”, and “Shum bola” written in the 30s of the 20th century made a great contribution to the development of our national literature.
In many works of Gafur Ghulom, the true heroism of the people, humanity, and Uzbek nationalism are shown. Gafur Ghulam dedicated many of his works to the personality of children. The work “Shum Bola” is one of the successful works of the writer. In the play, the hero talks about his tragic life. The boy ran away from his house to his aunt’s house because of his mother’s punishment while taking the products out of the house. However, the boy is not lucky here either: he accidentally kills his uncle’s quail and leaves this house. Thus, he begins to be darbadar and trouble. The writer focuses on describing the worries and inner experiences of this child. Depicting external events, things and everything surrounding the little hero in the play serves to express human feelings deeply.
The events and scenes of the Second World War left an indelible mark on Gafur Ghulam’s heart. If he went back to his childhood in the years of the First World War and could not fully feel all the horrors and complications of the war, the artist considered the new war and those who provoked it to be his personal, bitter enemy. In these years, the poet’s literal works such as “You are not an Orphan”, “Gold Medal”, “Observation”, “Time”, “Missing”, “There Will be a Holiday on our street”, “I am a Jew” classical poems were born. In many of the writer’s poems, there is the image of an oriental sage – a father:
“You are not an orphan” (1942), “Grief” (1942), “One is a student, one is a master” (1950), “You are young people” (1947), “Spring Songs” (1948) and others.
The poet received the State Prize in 1946 for the collection “I Come from the East”, a collection of poems written during the war years. Gafur Ghulam was awarded the title of academician together with his creative friend Oybek for his great contribution to the development of Uzbek science and culture (1943).
Gafur Ghulam also used his pen effectively in the years after the war and created high artistic works; published several excellent articles on journalism and literary studies. His work appeared as a unique chronicle of the people’s life in this period. If Gafur Ghulam rose to the level of a philosopher-poet with his poetic works during this period, he also showed that he was a skilled writer who knew the people’s life and spirit well with his stories such as “Shum Bola” and “My Thief Boy”. Gafur Ghulam’s selected works, collections, and works in ten volumes have been published several times. His articles written as a scholar of classic and modern literature, his journalistic speeches on various aspects of life, feuilletons, and funny stories are warmly welcomed by the people, the poet is highly praised everywhere. would be honored. Gafur Ghulam was awarded the title of “People’s Poet of Uzbekistan” in 1963.
At the end of our speech, we should quote a verse from the author’s pen: Be as hardworking as the world, sooner or later,
With this, the poet emphasizes that movement means aliveness, that both the universe and the earth are always in motion, and he encourages our fans to move and live. In conclusion, we can say that during his life, the writer left an indelible mark in history with his life, his will, and his legacy equal to gold. Today, finding such works, even writing them, is a difficult task.
1. Uzbek writers. Sabir Mirvaliyev – “Fan” publishing house – 1993
2. Naim Karimov, publishing house named after Gafur Ghulam, Tashkent-2003.
3. The spiritual and educational significance of Gafur Ghulam’s work. Scientific
conference. Tashkent-2003.
4. www.ziyo.net
5. www.ziyouz.com library