Essay from Malika Oydinova

Central Asian teen girl rests her head on her hand and looks off to the distance. She's got a white collared short and long dark hair.
Malika Oydinova
Annotation: Since the emergence of online learning, there has been a discussion on whether online classes are better than traditional classes. At the moment many competing schools of thought are coming up with valid arguments for and against both. Both traditional and online learning comes with advantages and disadvantages. This article discusses the real potential of online vs traditional classes while analyzing both in more detail.

Key words: physical movement, traditional education, online classes, save time, efficiency.

In the fast-paced world we live in, learning has become the main goal. Because by acquiring knowledge, a person’s worldview and knowledge potential expand, and they become useful and necessary personnel in the future. Opportunities in the education system created on a global scale are beneficial for all students, and they have been presenting their effective achievements in various directions as a positive response to the changes in the education system and the technological enrichment of the system. In addition, today, traditional and remote methods of teaching are applied to students and are being used in practice. 

There are many conveniences and advantages to traditional education, as we all know. One of the main achievements of the traditional education system is that it ensures the quality of knowledge. For example, in traditional education, it is easier to acquire skills to understand the reading system, because the topic taught by the teacher is quickly remembered by the student when he receives it face-to-face. In this situation, the teacher’s tone of voice, strength of voice, duration of physical movement, and eye contact (in English, “eye contact”) reach our brain as a strong signal and, together with the above, are imprinted in our memory. 

In traditional education, students can easily exchange ideas with each other and learn to express their thoughts fully and fluently in front of many people. They have the opportunity to work with them in groups, create various projects, and gain new knowledge in the process of communicating with others. Despite the achievements and efficiency mentioned above, this teaching method also has shortcomings. For example, in traditional education, admission is effective, but this method creates a “memory school” in our country. 

That is, the student tries to remember more of the knowledge given by the teacher; it is far from independent educational activities. In this education, unlike the distance system, financing also plays a role, and it requires additional funds and time in addition to the tuition fee. The education system is not lagging behind in the age of technology. 

There are many advantages to distance education, which has been introduced into the education system of Uzbekistan in the last 3 years and is familiar to all of us. In particular, it saves our time; that is, it does not require special time to go to the educational institution. In addition, we can choose the time of education through the online study method and not only study but also work. 

Distance education also has economic advantages. Online classes are slightly cheaper than offline classes. Many enterprises in the world reduce their expenses and increase their income several times through this method. With this method of education, you will be able to study in the area of your choice. That is, you can study at foreign universities or schools while living in Uzbekistan. 

The advantage of distance education is that it directs the student toward independent learning—not memorization but learning through thinking. COVID-19, which took over the whole world at one time, also affected the education system of Uzbekistan. During the pandemic, schools and universities switched to online education. As you know, this was news for everyone and brought with it a number of difficulties. In many remote areas, there are problems such as low internet speed, paying an additional price for its use, not having enough of the necessary equipment and students not knowing how to use it, not being able to attend classes on time, and being distracted during the class. We have also witnessed cases where the effectiveness of knowledge drops due to the teacher’s inability to establish a good relationship with the student. 

Many students are distrustful of the distance education method; they cannot fully receive the information given by the teacher due to poor internet connections, and this causes unacceptability. The most important thing is to get a quality and effective education. There are several reforms that are being made to increase this efficiency. 

Including the following comments of our respected president Shavkat Mirziyoyev about education, they are proof of our words: ”Education is our future, a matter of life and death.” Therefore, we have no right to delay reforms in this field. “No matter how complicated it is, we need to lay the foundations of school education firmly today.” To sum up, what kind of knowledge to get depends on us, our desire, and our diligence, be it traditional or remote. 

For some, traditional education is preferable; for others, distance education Students can choose the type of education they want based on their skills. Regardless of the educational method, the most important thing is to become a strong and useful staff and create more reforms in the education system that will be beneficial and effective for the future generation.


              Oydinova Malika Najmiddin qizi
                                                                                                          Uzbekistan State World Languages University
                                                                                                          of English faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature