Essay from Mohinur Sotvoldiyeva

Central Asian woman with black hair behind her head and a white collared shirt and black jacket.
Mohinur Sotvoldiyeva


Mokhinur Sotvoldieva,

1st stage master’s student of ASU, Faculty of Philology Phone: +998930988168

Аnnotatsiya: Ushbu ilmiy ishda, o‘zbek xalqi to‘y marosimlarining o‘tmish va buguni, yo‘qolgan yoki butkul yangilangan udumlar, olimlarning bu borada olib borgan tadqiqotlariga atroflicha to‘xtalib o‘tiladi.

Аннотация: В данной научной работе подробно рассмотрены размышления о прошлом и настоящем свадебных обрядов узбекского народа, утраченных или полностью возрожденных традициях, исследования, проведенные учеными в этом отношении.

Annotation: In this scientific work, thoughts about the past and present of the wedding ceremonies of the Uzbek people, lost or completely renewed traditions, researches conducted by scientists in this regard are discussed in detail.

Key words: weddings of the Uzbek people, wedding, customs, courtship, betrothal, housewarming, meeting, blessing wedding, wedding sending (mazar), girl’s wedding (girls’ meeting), marriage education.

It is known that the stages of the emergence and development of Uzbek weddings go back several years. We know many nations with their historically formed traditions and customs. In particular, if we talk about the rituals of the Uzbek people, whose unique ethnographic history has been formed over the years, there are such customs and rituals that you will hardly find in other nations. Among them, the weddings of the Uzbek people are one of the main rituals that have been practiced since the distant past until now.

Uzbek wedding ceremonies are widely studied and are being studied by many people as one of our priceless values that reflect the culture, history, characteristics and stages of development of our nation.

In this regard, scientists such as D.D.Manukyan, Y.A.Sorokin, D.A.Gilfanova conducted research on the wedding ceremony. “Researches related to the names of modern wedding ceremonies A. Jo’raboev [7,9-35], Sh.Nurillaeva [10,11-39], H.Ismoilov [8,12-47], O.Boriev [6,42] , Z.H.Orifkhonova [4, 36], M.Kakharovalar [13,12-45]. The emergence of new traditions in wedding ceremonies during the Soviet era is reflected in the scientific works of O.A.Sukhareva, M.A.Bikjanova, N.P. Lobachyova, L.F.Monogarova, T.Kh.Toshboeva and M.B.Savurov found Researcher Z. Alimova also touched on Persian-Tajik wedding rituals in her scientific work [1, 102].” [1]

It is known from historical sources that the term “wedding” belonging to the family of Turkic languages was used in the form of “toy” or “kurultoy” from the time of the Mongol and Chigatai khans. If we look at the memories of the Arab traveler Ibn Batuta, who went to the Movarunnahr region in the 14th century for the purpose of the trip, “toy” is an annual gathering (kurultay), which was attended by Genghis Khan’s descendants, emirs and Turkish begs, prestigious women and military commanders. In the historical work “Tavarikh Khorezmshakhiya” (May 5, 1864) it is reported that the son of Minister Hassan-Murod Kushbegi, Muhammad Yusufbek, married the daughter of the Khan, and the party lasted for several days.

Over time, based on scientific research, it can be said that “wedding” is a special gathering in the circle of “elders”, with the participation of relatives, relatives, and officials, along with a big party and a special luxury, known as a tradition since the distant past. It is true that with the passage of time, some changes and updates have occurred in Uzbek weddings, but differences in the ceremony from region to region have been observed significantly. Therefore, as a result of the globalization of relations between different nations and peoples, Uzbek weddings from the period before the introduction of Islam and after that form an integral connection with each other. [2].

In the marriage system of the Uzbek people: betrothal, betrothal, house visit, meeting, blessing wedding, wedding send-off (mazar), girl’s wedding (girls’ meeting), marriage education, bride’s wedding, bride’s greeting, charlari, god’s call (father saw, girl saw ) there are rituals and ancient traditions related to them. Most of them are still preserved and celebrated.

The history of Uzbek weddings, their stage of development, genre characteristics have been widely studied by a number of scholars. In this field, A. Ashirov (“Ancient beliefs and ceremonies of the Uzbek people”), K. Kubakov (“Wedding and wedding ceremonies in the past and present”), H. Muin (“About the wedding and mourning ceremony”), H. Sulaymonova (“In Uzbekistan history and present day of wedding traditions”), H. Umurova (“About wedding ceremony terms in English and Uzbek languages”), Z. Alimova (“Comparative analysis of lexemes related to wedding ceremony in English and Uzbek peoples”), H. Ismailov (“Uzbek weddings”), M. Askarov (“Wedding: yesterday, today, tomorrow-ethnographic analysis”) and others conducted scientific research.

In the marriage system of the Uzbek people: betrothal, betrothal, house visit, meeting, blessing wedding, wedding send-off (mazar), girl’s wedding (girls’ meeting), marriage education, bride’s wedding, bride’s greeting, charlari, god’s call (father saw, girl saw ) there are rituals and ancient traditions related to them. Most of them are still preserved and celebrated. Among them, marriage, cradle and circumcision are among the oldest rituals.

Until the 20th century, weddings were held in homes, but by the 70s of the 20th century, the tradition of holding weddings in restaurants and cafes began. Most notably, the bride and groom’s dresses, which are the reason for the wedding, have also changed. The burqas and thick headscarves of the brides were replaced by a fata dress made according to modern fashion. Only the national cloak and turban worn by the groom remained. In addition, the number of wedding ceremony participants has increased relatively.

  Also, in the 70s and 80s, the bride and groom and their “accompanying” friends went to the city’s memorials together, laid flowers, took pictures, videotaped, and put rings on each other. At the same time, especially in the capital, the composition of the bride’s sarpo became more “expensive” with items ranging from tableware, furniture sets to refrigerators, in addition to traditional items. At the end of the 20th century, due to the sharp increase in spending on wedding ceremonies, even in Tashkent, bachelor parties and wedding receptions began to be held together.

In conclusion, it should be said that the wedding ceremonies inherited from the past have been mixed with pre-Islamic and post-Islamic wedding ceremonies. In particular, to protect young people from the evil eye and calamities, they circle around the bonfire, put a big cover over their heads, sprinkle sweets and coins to wish them a happy life, make them sit on their laps, wish them to be rich, and treat them with boiled eggs. special events were held. «Ko‘rpa qavish», «maslahat oshi», «sabzi to‘g‘rar», «mol yoyar» and other udums have reached today without any changes. Even now, these ceremonies are held in the circle of relatives and neighbors, just like before. In addition, there are no additional news to these events. I mean, today’s weddings are held with equal participation of women and men, and it is also customary to bring famous artists to the wedding.


1. V. Alimova. (n.d.). Comparative analysis of lexemes related to the English and Uzbek folk wedding ceremony, (p. 102).

2. Kh. Saydullaeva. History of wedding traditions in Uzbekistan and today-2021

3. A. Ashirov. “Ancient Beliefs and Rituals of the Uzbek People”,

4. H. Muin. “About the wedding and mourning ceremony”,

5. H. Umurova. “About wedding ceremony terms in English and Uzbek”

[1][1] Z.V. Alimova. (n.d.). Comparative analysis of lexemes related to the English and Uzbek folk wedding ceremony, (p. 102).

[2]Z. Alimova, Z. Ibrahimova. (2022). Comparative analysis of lexemes related to the wedding ceremony in English and Uzbek peoples. Science and innovation.

One thought on “Essay from Mohinur Sotvoldiyeva

  1. I have seen weddings soft and silky dandelion blowballs, sailing subtle, lovely as Persian arabesque.
    Thanks for Words.

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