Essay from Norsafarova Nilufar

Place and importance of the imperative, united and separate clauses and the input device in the sentence

                                               Norsafarova Nilufar Boybori’s daughter 

Shahrisabz State Pedagogical Institute 1st stage student of Uzbek language and literature

First of all, let’s talk about motivation and its classification. The imperative is a word expander of the second person pronoun that is not directly related to the linguistic structure of the sentence, expressed or not expressed in the structure of the sentence. Just as a separate part enters into a meaningful relationship with a separate part, the impulse also has a meaningful connection with the person to whom the speech is directed, the subject: 1

“Are you afraid, teacher?” he asked. Brother Gafur was pale.

Look at me, brother Gafur, – I tried to praise Domla like a demon.

Look at me, brother.

The old and the old women, who stared at the paths of war, were praying until dawn: God, keep my child under your shelter.

– Father, I still haven’t learned academic skills. 2

R. Sayfullayeva, B. Mengliyev, G. Boqiyeva, M. Qurbonova, Z. Yunusova, M. Abuzalova. Current Uzbek literary language. Tashkent-2009 (page 376)

Said Ahmed “What I lost and what I found” “Sano-standard” publishing house. Tashkent-2019 (pages 51, 57, 99, 239, 63)

Adverbs can be expanded with other words and used in conjunction:

My brother, my brother Gafur, I have been looking for you for 500 years. 3

Learn how to read, you ugly bastard!” my grandfather mutters, rubbing his eyes as if waking up from sleep. 4

           Along these lines, impulses can be combined and come in the form of a single piece:

“My lamb, my palm…” he whispered

“Stupid, naughty person, wretched servant!” he cried.

He used to shout “Benomus, dilozors!” 5

       The place of the impulse expressing the person or thing to which the speaker’s speech is directed is not fixed in the sentence, that is, it can appear at the beginning of the sentence, in the middle of the sentence, and at the end of the sentence:

At the beginning of the speech: Vasily Vasilievich, Lexey is absent…

In the middle of the conversation, he said: “Aren’t you ashamed, Vanka, we are both inferior to you?”

At the end of the sentence: – Oh, that’s life, Ms. Azra. 7

The impulse itself can be used as a sentence:

“You fools!” he shouted to the crowd.

– O Muslim people! 8

The boy shouted: “Daddy!” 9

It can be seen from these that the urge is directed towards a certain person or thing. In the process of syntactic analysis, two wavy lines are drawn under it. As we have seen above, the place in the sentence is not stable.

Said Ahmed “What I lost and what I found” “Sano-standard” publishing house. Tashkent-2019 (page 83)

Maxim Gorky “Childhood”. “New edition” Tashkent-2019 (page 55)

Maxim Gorky “Childhood”. “New edition” Tashkent-2019 (page 43)

Maxim Gorky “Childhood”. “New edition” Tashkent-2019 (pages 85, 65)

Hakan Mengyuch “No meeting is a coincidence.” “Zukko Kitabkhan” publishing house. Tashkent-2022 (page 143)

 Hakan Mengyuch “No meeting is a coincidence.” “Zukko Kitabkhan” publishing house. Tashkent-2022 (page 188)

R. Sayfullayeva, B. Mengliyev, G. Boqiyeva, M. Qurbonova, Z. Yunusova, M. Abuzalova. Current Uzbek literary language. Tashkent-2009 (page 377)

Lumpy lumps. The parts of the sentence that are the answer to the same question, perform the same syntactic function, are in equal relationship with each other, and are connected to one common part are called coherent parts of the sentence. 10

Around the table sat a famous poet, who knew Bedil by heart, a great Navoi scholar, Domla Baqi, a friend of Gafur Ghulam, a poet from Andijan who recently moved to Tashkent, and Domla Habibi.

Yunus, Baqi, and Habibi are waiting like birds.

Come and chat and make my party happy.

Hamid Ghulam, Shuhrat, Turob Tola, Vahab Rozimatov and I went on many trips with him and became attached to him for life.

Tashpolat Ahmad, Ahad Hasan and Ghulam Shomurodov were waiting.

These horrors, these differences did not open the eyes of the former Soviet leaders. 11

The interaction of the members of the united series. The members of a coherent series enter into a syntactic relationship through equalization, this relationship is carried out only through intonation, with equal conjunctions and prepositions in the function of equal conjunctions, and without conjunctions. Counting intonation is also present when units come into contact with connectors. 12 Also, connected parts are connected to each other by means of all types of connectors (joining, addition, subtraction). In the process of syntactic analysis, all the combined clauses appear as the same clause in the sentence.

       Compound sentences sometimes include generalizing units. They are words and units that summarize the conjuncts and come before or after the conjunctive clauses. The generalizers that come before the conjunctive clause usually require an explanation. The generalizers that come after the unitary part have the characteristic of completion and conclusion. For example: everything: houses, walls, trees sank silently into the darkness. (Oybek). Streets, fields, and villages seem to be asking me about Masuda. (P. Kadirov).

M. Hamroyev, D. Muhammedova, D. Shodmonkulova, Kh. Gulomova, Sh. Yoldasheva. Mother tongue. Tashkent “Economy-Finance” 2007 (p. 214)

Said Ahmed “What I lost and what I found” “Sano-standard” publishing house. Tashkent-2019 (pages 26, 28, 89, 216, 239)

M. Hamroyev, D. Muhammedova, D. Shodmonkulova, Kh. Gulomova, Sh. Yoldasheva. Mother tongue. Tashkent “Economy-Finance” 2007 (p. 216)

If the generalizing units come before the units in the sentences with a single clause, two dots are placed after the unit: Everywhere: in the houses, on the streets, the face of the hazan lying twisted in the morning becomes white from the morning. (Oybek).

When the generalizing units come after the organizers, a “dash” is placed before them: Men, women, children – the greeters ran along the wagon. (R. Fayziy). 13

     When connected with a counting tone, the solid parts are separated by a “comma”.

       Separate pieces. In a sentence, the meaning of a part is more uncertain in the opinion of the speaker, and in order to clarify and explain its meaning, he introduces another similar part into the sentence. For example, in the sentence “I started the work from here” the meaning of the complement “THEREFORE” is unclear. Therefore, the speaker introduces another filler with a more precise meaning: I started the work with this, that is, with an explanation. 14


I met Azimjon in a teahouse by the river, in a crowded place;

My love is pure and pure! 15

      Input device. Introduction device is in the form of a sentence and is a means of expressing a new idea as an addition to the idea understood from the sentence. The introduction is full of its verbal essence from the introduction sentence (although the introduction sentence is in the form of a sentence, it is more introduction has the nature of a word), is distinguished by the uniqueness of the substantive connection with the main sentence. 16

  0tinoy was often engaged in his own work, the khalifa (in today’s language, the head of the class) led the class, and the khalifa himself punished the girls who misbehaved. (K. Kahhorova). 17

       Sentences with an input device are similar to a compound sentence. However intonation specificity is one of the main qualities that distinguish them from compound sentences.

M. Hamroyev, D. Muhammedova, D. Shodmonkulova, Kh. Gulomova, Sh. Yoldasheva. Mother tongue. Tashkent “Economy-Finance” 2007 (pages 217-218)

Mother tongue. Textbook for the 8th grade of general secondary schools. Publishing house named after Cholpon. Tashkent-2019. (page 118)

Mother tongue. Textbook for the 8th grade of general secondary schools. Publishing house named after Cholpon. Tashkent-2019. (page 121)

R. Sayfullayeva, B. Mengliyev, G. Boqiyeva, M. Qurbonova, Z. Yunusova, M. Abuzalova. Current Uzbek literary language. Tashkent-2009 (page 379)

Mother tongue. Textbook for the 8th grade of general secondary schools. Publishing house named after Cholpon. Tashkent-2019. (page 127)

They are separated from other parts of the sentence by “bracket”. As an example of the different aspect of the input device from the cohesive clauses and impulses, we can show that its place in the sentence is fixed, that is, the input device has a fixed place in the structure of the sentence. As we know, input devices express an additional idea to the main idea. That’s why it can never come at the beginning of a sentence. Because it is inappropriate for us to introduce additional ideas without starting the main idea. At the same time, the introduction usually does not come at the end of the sentence. It does not consist only of participles, otherwise it cannot fully reveal the meaning of the sentence:     

He seemed to have seen many of us, so he immediately hid the meat (a hungry person can die if he eats it at once), gave us all two spoonfuls of soup, and put us to bed. 18

The difference between a separate clause and an input device is that the input device is always placed in parentheses and is in the form of a sentence. Separated part is separated from other words with the help of “comma” and, basically, it is in the form of word combination and word combination.