Just set a goal and achieve it.
At this time last year, I was just a high school graduate, an ordinary student. I had almost no achievements. They didn’t even know who I was. Everyday life continued. Days passed, days followed by months. My parents opposed me to study in the field I wanted. I gave them a teaching position according to their wishes. But I fell. At first it was very difficult for me to come to my senses. I cannot describe to you what I felt at that time. Then, starting from December, I started to gather strength. I made new dreams for the new year. I set clear goals for myself. Although I am not sure that my dreams will come true, I set big goals for myself. Alhamdulillah!
So far, from the beginning of the new year to now, I have achieved a lot. I am achieving all my goals one by one. My first and early January achievement was this book. And I had a small article published in a book that was sold on morebooks in the UK, which is sold in 26 countries. At that time, I really wanted to write a personal book and have my articles published in newspapers of different countries. Believe it or not, a month later my poem and short story appeared in 2 other people’s books. The same in Europe. I participated in many international webinars. I finished international courses. March has begun. In March, I only worked on my personal book. I worked hard. And finally, the month of April, the month of Ramadan, was a very important month for me throughout my life. My article was published in the international newspaper “PAGE3 NEWS” which is sold in 8 countries.
Also, my autobiography and article were published in the international student section of the Indian newspaper RKD×TIMES EDUCATIONAL. In addition, 08.04.2023. I have published another article on KAVYA KISHOR website. 10.04.2023. My article about teachers was published in the Kenyan newspaper “The Mount Kenya Times” on April 14, 2023. My personal book went on sale on the European website morebooks. Its name is “Heart therapy”. The price is 43.90€ ($48). Not long after that, my second book “Get the motivation in difficult moments of life” was published and sold on the same site at the same price. My poem about mother was published in “BEKAJON” newspaper of Uzbekistan, and an article was published in “YOSHLAR OVOZI” newspaper. The most joyful thing happened today. A famous Korean journalist liked my article, and that journalist translated my article and information about me into Korean and published it on a famous Korean website and newspaper. I am proud of today, every moment of my life. In addition, my goals are getting bigger every day.Action is also appropriate, of course. It was not easy to achieve these things. But I did not give up. I got up and started over. My advice is that if you make the right decisions and be with the right people, your work will develop.