Essay from Rano Dilshadovna

Young Central Asian woman with straight dark hair, brown eyes, and a black v-neck top.
Rano Dilshadovna
How to improve English speaking skills and become a great communicator.

Abstract: To teach speaking requires planning of activities which is not only allows learners to practice oral language but also focus their attention on important linguistic elements that can improve their accuracy . Drawing on a substantial research base, this article discusses key dimensions in teaching speaking that can develop language learners` fluency, accuracy and complexity.

Key words: speaking skill, procedure , method, techniques, practice, shadowing

English is the world`s most studied language -around 20% of the world speaks English. Learning English can lead to new opportunities in life, including easier travel, that you can study higher education at some of the world`s top institutions, including the University of the People`s online programs, which are tuition free! 
Practice is the key to learning any skill, especially communication abilities. Speaking more often will allow you to boost your speech expand your vocabulary and proven methods to enhance your English skills.

Speaking skill.   

1.	Definition of speaking 
Speaking is one of the four fundamental skills that students should master. Speaking considered as a productive skill. I was impossible to separate it from listening . We create the text when we talk and it should be relevant . In the nature of communication, we may find the speaker, the listener, the message and the feedback . Speaking is inextricably linked to pronunciation since it encourages students to learn English sounds. 

Surround yourself with English. 
English is widely used. No matter where you live, you can discover English language menus, promotional materials, novels, movies road signs and more your foundation will be stronger the more you immerse yourself in and pay attention to these everyday English techniques.

  Make  sure to listen as well as speak 
One of the best methods to understand the formulation of sentences and build your vocabulary is to listen to people speak . Try listening to podcast and recorded conversation . From YouTube to real-life conversations there are so many places to access English speaking . 

 Practice with music and movies .
Most people enjoy some music or entertainment in form of movies to unwind and relax . You have the option of watching movies  in your native language with readable English subtitles.

 Find a Conversation Partner 
If possible, its best to find a native English speaker with whom you can practice your English . If you do not know anyone in your direct network, consider finding a tutor . Otherwise, you can practice your conversation skills.

        Four Important techniques to improve English speaking skills.
There are also a variety of techniques to help improve your English speaking ability. 

1. Speech Shadowing

Basically, this is mimicking a native speaker . The easiest way to practice speech shadowing is watch videos or a movie with subtitles. Read the sentences aloud after you have finished . Play it back after that while the native speaker is speaking. To mimic the flow and pattern as precisely as you can, try pausing in between . You can record yourself doing this if you want to hear how it sounds when spoken by a native speaker.

2. Self Talk  

Whether you choose to speak your thoughts out loud or record yourself singing. Talking to yourself and hearing the words will help you improve. You can also read out loud. 

3. Think in English 

This probably will not come naturally, but you can help train yourself to think in English by first translating the thoughts in your head . Otherwise, you can keep a journal or diary of thoughts and write in English.  

4. Retell a Story in English 

Start with something simple, like a fairy tale or traditional story from your childhood. Then you  can take this to the next step and challenge yourself to retell story that someone else shares in English. This helps to check your comprehension and understanding . 

Community-based learning method is a method of learning that can be applied to learn language.  It is very functional because the learners learn the language like in real community.  It is conducted out of the formal or regular teaching learning process that usually done in the classroom. These speaking techniques will help you improve your speaking ability.  


1.How to improve English speaking skills 

