Essay from Saida Ismoilova

Young Central Asian woman with long dark hair and a white buttoned shirt and black and white dress pants, holding a certificate.
Saida Ismoilova


1. Let’s make dreams come true together.

2. Life without dreams is boring.

3. My dreams are my life.The most important question is who do you want to be? It doesn’t matter if someone tells you: “It’s impossible.” It doesn’t matter how many such people you meet in your life. The most important thing is that you are the only person who says these words.

Know that even if you are on the right path, even if they step on you, even if you do not move, even if you sit on the road! Don’t waste your life on trivial things. Be interested and strive with your being for something higher than you, higher than your experience. go on, your life is like that.

Every person, without exception, has the power to move towards his dreams and imagination. Every time you allow yourself to dream about something great, you allow yourself to be evaluated, your self-esteem is strengthened, and you allow yourself to be more helpful and proud.

Such dreams improve your self-image. Buy confidence in yourself. They will increase your personal self-respect, internal pride and emotional level. High dreams and high imaginations have a power that enlivens us, inspires us, and encourages us to act faster than before.

for this to destroy your dreams into traps. The first life is a big trap: “Never allow yourself to think that it is over!” Know that if you don’t follow your dreams, no one will do it for you.There is nothing more interesting in our life than walking towards our dreams. The hopes of a person who ignores and forgets his dream will be dashed. People who have not forgotten their dreams stop for a while and ask themselves the following questions:

– Am I pursuing my dream?

Such people know that they can plan their future. They build a decent life for themselves. The more we dream, the more power we have. A wise man said: “People often do not want to believe that they have everything they need to become the person they want to be.” That’s why they get used to what they don’t deserve, and we forget that it is necessary to pay a fee to achieve a dream.

Many times we make many goals in life but we do not try to achieve them. A simple example is that your goal is to study at a higher educational institution, and your biggest dream is to become a mature and good doctor in the future. Now, in order to achieve this dream, first of all, you need to pass the university entrance exams. For this, you need to go to a tutor or take additional classes to prepare for the exam. This, in turn, requires a certain amount.

From this we can see that you have to pay a price to achieve your dream. Therefore, a simple formula arises by itself. That is:


There are different dreams in human life. Small dreams and big dreams. All this is a dream.

I Saida Ismoilova was born on January 10, 2005 in the village of Ovshar Hazorasp district Khorezm region.

 Currently, I am a 1st-year student at Berdaq State University.

I am currently engaged in writing books, and I have been preparing to publish my books.