Essay from Sevinchoy San’at qizi Shomurotova

Young Central Asian woman with brown hair up in a bun, brown eyes, small earrings, and a white collared shirt.


Sevinchoy San’at qizi Shomurotova
Urganch State Pedagogical Institute  
Faculty of Pedagogy, 3rd-year student of Primary Education

Abstract: Education is considered the most ancient and eternal value that ensures humanity’s dignity. This article explores the organization of educational lessons using innovative approaches.

Keywords: education, innovation, teaching, pedagogy, personality.

As President Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized in his meeting with a group of scientists and representatives of science on December 30, 2016: “The first stage in nurturing a generation of capable cadres is to radically improve school education, ensuring the continuity of the process of training scientific personnel and highly qualified specialists. We will spare no effort in this endeavor.” In this meeting, our President also highlighted the significant role of science in the development of all sectors of our economy, noting that the collaboration between science and production is especially critical for our state’s progress today.

The process of education is multifaceted, involving both internal and external (subjective and objective) factors that contribute to understanding the essence of education. Subjective factors help individuals comprehend their inner needs, interests, and life relationships, while objective factors create conditions for individuals to live, form, and positively resolve life problems. The success of the content, direction, and form of educational activities depends on how well they align with objective conditions, leading to success in shaping the individual. In organizing and managing the educational process, not only the teacher’s activities but also the student’s age, psychological characteristics, thoughts, and life views play a crucial role.

It is well-known that innovation is the ultimate outcome that, by applying new technological processes, approaches, or methods in a specific field or production, leads to greater success than before. Innovation, developed within the educational system, has significant importance as a new approach. It is promising for developing the content of education, arising from initiatives and innovations, and therefore always positively impacts the development of the educational system. Consequently, the teacher-educator organizes their activities creatively, striving to renew the form and content of the lesson each time based on new research and innovative approaches. The teacher applies their insights experimentally, analyzing the results to continue exploring and introducing innovations in the educational process, identifying and correcting shortcomings, and perfecting the process. Often, existing methodological perspectives and theoretical principles may not satisfy teachers. Indeed, the innovative pedagogical process demands that the teacher’s activities constantly evolve, improve, and enrich with new ideas. Regular acquisition and improvement of new knowledge, possessing creative abilities that meet modern requirements, is not only a demand of the educational process but also of society as a whole.

In nurturing the younger generation, the level of a teacher’s innovative preparation is one of the most important indicators of their professional qualification. In a teacher’s activities, innovation involves creating and applying advanced ideas, discovering innovations, and demonstrating the potential to introduce new elements in the process of improving the form and content of education. One of the most important tasks in this field is forming students’ creative, independent thinking, and the ability to achieve goals through conscious creative relationships.

Modern technology-enhanced lessons aim at encouraging students to independently seek, study, analyze, and even draw their conclusions from the knowledge they acquire. The teacher, in this process, facilitates the development and formation of the individual and the group, as well as their acquisition of knowledge and upbringing, while also fulfilling the role of a manager and guide. In such an educational process, the student becomes the central figure. Today, the use of pedagogical technologies in the educational and upbringing process of educational institutions is of particular importance for the following reasons:

1. Pedagogical technologies offer broad opportunities to implement developmental education, which is emphasized in the Law on Education.
2. Pedagogical technologies allow for the extensive implementation of a systematic activity approach in the educational and upbringing process.
3. Pedagogical technology encourages the teacher to design the entire technological chain of the educational process, starting from the goals to the diagnosis system and controlling the progress of the process.
4. Pedagogical technology, based on the use of new tools and information methods, demands that the teacher act as the main organizer or consultant in the process. This requires the teacher to exhibit more independence, creativity, and willpower qualities.

Lessons conducted based on pedagogical technology satisfy students’ need to express their attitudes towards important life achievements and problems, and provide opportunities to think and justify their points of view. In the current era of innovation, the educational system needs individuals who are capable of assimilating new information, evaluating the knowledge they acquire, and making necessary decisions independently and freely.

Therefore, the place and importance of modern teaching methods, interactive methods, and innovative technologies in the educational and upbringing process of educational institutions are incomparable. Knowledge and experience related to pedagogical technology and its application in education ensure that students become knowledgeable and skilled professionals.

Sevinchoy Shomurotova San’at qizi was born on August 5, 2004, in Shovot district, Xorazm region. She is currently studying at the Urgench State Pedagogical Institute, in the Faculty of Pedagogy, specializing in Primary Education.

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