Essay from Shahnoza Ochildiyeva

Young Central Asian teen girl with straight dark hair in a ponytail behind her head, her head resting on her hand, and a white ruffly blouse.
Shahnoza Ochildiyeva

Thanks, 2023!

The year is coming to an end. At the end of each year, the old year is summarized. New plans and dreams are set for the new year. It is a very enjoyable work for me too.

Today, when I look at the past year, I saw a lot of good and bad events. They are all gone and it is impossible to change them. But it is possible to draw the right conclusions from the mistakes of the past year and welcome the new year with strength from the successes.

For the past year, I have tried to achieve my goals as much as I can. Of course, the result is not bad. At the beginning of 2023, my personal book was published in America and was put on sale in 26 countries of the world. It inspired me to create even more. I stepped into the international world. Many of my creative works have been published in international newspapers and magazines. At the same time, I was recognized by the international newspaper "The Daily Global Nation" as an ambassador of international peace. I participated in the II International Congress "Youth Tourism", which left me with beautiful memories and great impressions. I was in the youth circle, in the conversation of my peers.

I actively participated in international conferences and projects.
With my article, I won the 2nd place in the competition of traditional creative works of the Republic of Uzbekistan, "Protect Wealth from Childhood", announced by the favorite newspaper of children and teenagers in Uzbekistan, "Tong Yuzi".

I am happy to say that I spent the year with beautiful memories, kind words, wonderful books and good people. I tried to sweeten myself, my dreams and words, to live happily. So many times I felt infinite gratitude with all my heart. I loved God! There were so many beautiful messages that I cried. I took a risk and trusted him, and it turned out to be good.

But there were many difficulties, problems and worries. I wanted to laugh it all off! I chose long roads and sleepless nights. Because it's all for my future! But I am always grateful to my parents who always supported me in such difficult times. They inspired, gave the best of motivation.

I am very happy now that I am summarizing my two years. I intend to fulfill my intentions next year.

Dear friends, I wish you endless happiness, joy and success in the New Year! Love yourself! Live every moment! If you stay at night work, be fascinated by the beauty of the moon and stars. And don't forget to give thanks for the sun every day!

Shahnoza Ochildiyeva

12 thoughts on “Essay from Shahnoza Ochildiyeva

  1. Thanks Shahnoza for for reminding us the Moon, the Sun and the Stars’ beauty that suffer so much pollution and so much evil from human beings.
    Tthe sun just now is not going up, the Moon and Stars are gonna drown.
    Only the child’ cry makes us wake up.
    Thand for Yr. words.

    • No, sir, there is goodness in the world, its breath is blowing, we have to believe a little without despair, as long as there are poets, goodness will not die, moon, why does the sun not rise, it will rise in us,

    • No, sir, there is goodness in the world, its breath is blowing, we have to believe a little without despair, as long as there are poets, goodness will not die, moon, why doesn’t the moon, the sun rise, in our country, the moon, stars, and the sun rise every day, we are very grateful for that!

    • Hello, Sir. Even though there are some dishonest humans and bad situation, We should believe goodness! The sun is shining just for good humans and their goodness. Don’t be hopeless, dear Sir, please!

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  3. hello everyone i wish shahnoza good luck in future, in generally, this website the best in the world

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