Activities in vocational schools!

Vocational school — educational institutions that prepare personnel at the initial professional education stage aimed at social support of 9th grade graduates on the basis of educational programs corresponding to the 3rd level of the international classification. Purpose, content, size of the lesson determined on the basis of lim standards (curriculum, program, textbook and manual). The lesson is conducted in different ways and means, depending on the nature of the academic subject, the content of the material being taught, and as part of the educational system, it provides complete knowledge and creates a foundation for mastering the next knowledge.
What is the work being done in the Vocational School of Shaikhontohur district today? Shaikhontohur District Vocational School mainly covers areas related to the automobile industry, students are trained in diagnosis and repair of car engines, repair and diagnosis of car bodies, maintenance of electrical and electrical equipment and other areas. theoretical and practical knowledge is being given. Also, the boys and girls studying in the dual education direction of the vocational school are also acquiring theoretical knowledge of their professional activities and receiving monthly salaries after doing internships in their assigned areas.
Also, many events and meetings are organized in the vocational school within the framework of the GIZ project. For example, on March 27, 2024, a meeting was held by the GIZ project “Supporting the process of reforming and modernizing vocational education in Uzbekistan (TexVET)” at the Shaikhontohur district vocational school in Tashkent. ‘tdi.
Representatives from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Ministry of Employment and Poverty Alleviation, Ministry of Preschool and School Education, Institute of Pedagogical Innovations, Institute of Labor Market Analysis took part in the meeting.
Vocational guidance is the formation of professional activity, development of work experience and skills of students through studying and practicing in a vocational school. At the meeting, there were discussions about the orientation of students to the profession and what profession they should have in the future, and the need to further develop the qualifications and skills of teachers and production masters for it.
Various games and puzzles were solved with the teachers. This serves to increase their qualifications and experience as pedagogues. Meetings and events held in vocational schools serve to further increase the knowledge, skills and qualifications of teachers and students.
Tuliyeva Sarvinoz
Teacher of native language and literature at Shaikhontohur District Vocational School, Tashkent.