in my country, as soon as the first days of spring begin, birds sing everywhere. This gives us a sign that spring has come. Spring is the beginning of seasons, the period of awakening. Animals that fall asleep in winter wake up in spring. that is, awakening, the beginning of a new page, the beginning of the road enters the beginning period.
There are three months of spring: March, April, and May. Although they are few, they embody the national holidays of our people. Just as every nation has its own national holiday, we also have holidays that reflect our nationalism. They include March 8, women’s holiday, Nowruz national holiday, and several other holidays. with the arrival of spring, buds begin to emerge from the trees. The hills will be green, and there will be many colors. The waters are overflowing.
The edges of the waters are rich, and mints are beginning to emerge. all areas are cleaned, various flowers are planted, landscaping works begin. Different types of seedlings are planted. Spring holidays are celebrated with great fanfare. Nowruz holiday, which embodies the nationality of our motherland, is a clear example of this. In the spring, the children’s voices reach the sky, because the mountains are going out to pick chuchmoma and bochachak. They play different games. The day and night are equal on the night from the twenty-first to the twenty-second of March of the spring season. From this day, our days will start to get longer. This is God’s gift to us. This is the new day of the Muslim New Year. Our grandfather farmers also slowly pick up their hoes and go to their fields. The lands that could not withstand the wrath of winter are melted and thrown away by the golden rays of the sun. The spring air will be cool. The days are slowly getting warmer. Spring brings love, happiness, and good health to each other, our kind mothers, our graceful women, our lovely sisters, and sweet sugar give beauty and elegance to our little girls.
Imagination is a gift given to a person by God. When a person thinks about something or wants to do something, he first imagines it. He makes it as far as he can imagine it, so that the fat does not pass. Another type of visualization is dreaming. There is a difference between a dream and an imagination. The reason is that to dream is to desire something that one does not have, and to imagine is to imagine something and bring it to life in imagination. Thinking of spring brings peace and dreams to one’s heart. our hearts flutter when we imagine spring.
We think of spring renewal as making new dreams, taking a step forward in life, making new plans. The spring season brings with it a world of news. when you imagine again, the smell of peach blossoms in the fields and tulips in the mountains comes to your eyes. Spring does not escape our imagination. We cannot imagine spring without our national games. Nowruz holiday comes to our mind first. tell us the stories of our grandmothers in it, the history of Nowruz and its origins.
We can’t imagine Navruz without a lot of wrestling, various sayings, and national dances. Nature has given us such blessings for which we should be grateful. we can’t imagine spring without fennel, summer without water, autumn without blueberry, and winter without white flakes. Therefore, let’s imagine the spring in our imagination so that we can see it in practice. I imagine spring. First of all, I see the blossoming of trees, the joy of people around me, the joy of people, the children playing and rejoicing on the hills
I imagine that sumacs are cooked in our dosh pots and shared with everyone, greening works are being carried out in all places, bringing joy to the hearts. I imagine spring, which includes all good deeds. we can’t imagine spring without swallows. The swallow brings a lot of hair.
I liken spring to a new era of rejuvenation and renewal. As soon as spring comes, it starts to spread its blue dress around. the surroundings become more and more beautiful and reflect elegance and sophistication. He is also compared to a bride. Bahar is compared to women again. The reason is that a woman can attract any man who is elegant, refined and demanding. Spring is considered a faiz of fortune-telling. spring season is as patient as the mountains, as strong as women. No matter how windy or rainy it is, it preserves its beauty. It brings the purest thoughts to people’s hearts.
I compare spring to a woman. Our women are certainly strong enough to share all their beauty with their loved ones. These are our women who are crying or laughing at the perfect time. I think spring is a comparison to women.
Among the seasons, spring is distinguished by its elegance, beauty, rejuvenation, and rejuvenation. Again, the spring season is as important to everyone as it is to sow the seeds of goodness in people’s hearts and do good deeds. spring spreads its dowry and excites the hearts of all people. In the spring season, our national holiday Navruz is celebrated. He gives all people the same joy, happiness, kindness, happiness.
In the spring, we all realize our identity once again. it stands out without losing its nationality. With our national dishes, games, and holidays. Spring is the first step of the seasons, the beginning of the road. spring is the flower of the seasons, it gives a special mood to existence. It is distinguished by these aspects. While watching the spring scenery, you involuntarily want to add more beauty to this beauty. it definitely stands out with such beauty. In my opinion, the spring season is distinguished among the seasons by its wealth of nationalism, harmony with beauty, kindness, creation, wounding, elegance and other aspects. there are many, the most important of which is harmony with nationality. You are the solitary queen of the four seasons, you are the end of all beauty
You are the wish of lovers!
Have you ever come back, spring?
You are the dream of the earth and the sky, You are the beginning of my song,
You are the companion of my golden cradle!
Are you coming back, spring? In fact, spring is likened to a bride. The reason is that it is rich in beautiful colors like kelinchak. Another reason is that the courtyards where the bride comes will be clean and tidy. When spring comes, people also collect all their places. Where there is cleanliness and order, blessings always rain. Every poet and poetess write a poem about spring. Every day of spring is a holiday, and every day is full of newness and change. Spring comes first in a white dress like a bride, then it shows itself in various colors. The reason is that almond blossoms are white, while tulips are red and peachy. In the hearts of people, rejuvenation encourages new thoughts. He remembers the name of spring again and again on various holidays. when there are holidays, the health of the sick is reported, the elderly come to see them and perform many other meritorious deeds. That is why it is said that it is the bride of the seasons, the love of love. And they don’t greet the bride for nothing on our holidays
The reason why spring and the bride are compatible is that both of them are symbols of elegance and beauty.
Habibullayeva Madina, a 9th-grade student of school 75 in Chust district. She is a poet, literary critic, entrepreneur and leader. Her articles and stories have been published in foreign magazines. She has published three books Article:”Spring”.