Essay from Zulaykho Kosimjonova

Young Central Asian woman with a green headscarf and white outfit and blue eyes.
Zulaykho Kosimjonova
Work on fallacy and shortcomings in reading comprehension
        Qosimjonova Zulayxo Baxrombek qizi 
        Uzbekistan State World   Languages   
        University  sophomore  year student.

Annotation: This study aims to investigate reading comprehension problems faced by students, school children or language learners. 

The study also examines student learning.

Reading plays a crucial role in our life. It is an important part of everyday life without which life cannot be imagined this . Four language skills are used to learn English.Reading is the most important thing students should know.It helps students to familiarize themselves with their majors and subjects help to improve language skills.Reading is an interactive process in which the writer and the reader communicate through the text.

Reading is important because it is one of the most used language skills in everyday life.Internet usage. Students search for information on the Internet, and most of it is published in English. “As a skill It is clear that reading is one of the most important, in fact, in many cases around the world we read the most important foreign skill, especially when students have to study the material in English on their own. Many researchers have noticed that students' reading is very weak, especially in English texts. As a result, they still have reading comprehension difficulties. They also rely on word-for-word translation when reading English.

 According to Al Ma'ani, there are two main reasons why students' comprehension is low. 

When teaching reading, most EFL teachers assess students' word comprehension. Rather than teaching to understand sentences. Second, students' lack of study. That is, the reason is that they rarely read books in their normal life.

Comprehension strategies are also a major cause of students' poor comprehension skills. Taking into account the difficulties of studying a foreign language, especially cognitive, cultural and linguistic aspects, all EFL reading has been proven to be more difficult and complex than L1. To help students need help improving reading comprehension and solving reading comprehension problems.

Difficulties in reading comprehension. 
A reading disorder is a learning disorder that involves a significant impairment in reading accuracy, speed, or comprehension to the extent that the impairment interferes with academic achievement or activities of daily living. People with learning disabilities perform well on reading tasks below what would be expected based on their general intelligence, educational capabilities, and physical health. A reading disorder is most often called dyslexia. Reading comprehension problems are lifelong problems that can seriously damage anyone's learning.

Common problems in people with learning disabilities include
-Slow reading speed. 
-Poor comprehension of material when reading aloud or aloud.
-Skipping words while reading. Confused words or letters while reading.They suffer from difficulty decoding syllables or single words and associating them with certain sounds.
-Difficulty in pronouncing or recognizing words is one of the biggest problems students face.
-Another manifestation of reading comprehension problems is difficulty reading aloud. Usually, people with these problems have difficulty understanding while studying and their interest in the task is reduced.

Problems with reading comprehension: Its basis should be the ability to understand what you are reading. Many learners avoid reading and writing due to lack of interest in reading. Difficulty understanding what you read is one of the main symptoms of the problem.
Most of these cases actually stem from a lack of self-confidence in the people who have the problem. Students with these problems find it difficult to read and write and become nervous.
It takes a lot of time to solve the main tasks. Especially, another sign of reading comprehension problems is an inability to perform basic tasks.

A problem that many EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners may face is not understanding the words in the text. 

Getting rid of reading comprehension problems. Although reading comprehension problems can be difficult to deal with, there are good strategies to help make them livable. In fact, working with professionals can often eliminate these problems almost entirely or turn them into minor problems.

This information can be used as a guide to the direction and style in which students interact with texts to improve their reading comprehension.There are several ways to overcome reading comprehension problems. For example, you can use the following methods as a solution to these problems.

Reconstruct meaning is repeat it and ask questions until you understand its meaning. Think about characters and events when reading fiction.They tend to summarize informational texts. Accepting learning as a productive process.Reading comprehension skills are important for students to become effective readers.
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