Essay from Jasmina Rahmatullayeva


Rahmatullayeva, daughter of Jasmina Abduvahid, 2nd stage student of World Economy and Diplomacy University


The article develops proposals based on the use of tactical and methodological tools recommended by the investigation method, as well as on the basis of preliminary information about the reason for
the use of weapons, traces, the identity of the victim and the infliction of bodily injuries and the correct organization of the investigation.

Keyword. Body injuries, the victim, the instrument of the crime, jealousy, alcohol

With the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on May 14, 2018 “On measures to radically improve the system of criminal and criminal procedural legislation” PQ 3723[1], the Criminal
and Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Uzbekistan as the main directions and tasks of improving the legislation: unification of norms of criminal legislation; effective and reliable protection of citizens’ rights and freedoms, society and state interests; improvement of the mechanisms of reliable guarantee of the rights and freedoms of the person in the criminal proceedings; it was decided to introduce new forms and procedures of the criminal process.

When carrying out the investigation of the cases of intentional bodily injury to the investigation, the case related to the honor, dignity and other inviolable rights of the person and the crimes with a low social risk. There are more and more cases in which it is necessary to obtain his consent. In the investigation of these crimes, it is appropriate to conduct the case based on the grounds of dispositiveness.


Intentional bodily injury crimes are serious and the investigative method is considered to be one of the most complicated incidents. The application of the criminalistic investigation method in the
investigation of the intentional bodily injury crime is focused on determining the cause of bodily injury to the victim: determining whether the intentional bodily injury occurred as a result of an

Therefore, in any case, intentional bodily injury should be investigated based on the rules of the criminal investigation method in a suspicious situation. Criminals use various methods and
weapons to commit intentional bodily injury crimes. In most cases, they cause injuries with shooting and cold weapons, various household items (knife, ax, ax), and some hard object (such as iron,

Methods of intentional bodily injury, motives of criminal action, place, time, consequences of the incident, traces, weapons, all these make up the criminalistic description. Some of its elements are related to each other, stemming from and complementing each other. In particular, elements such as the subject of the crime, the victim, the weapon used, and the crime scene are closely related, and
the traces (consequences) left by each element are reflected in other elements, and the observation and investigation of one depends on it.

When determining the criminalistic description of the crime,
determining the sequence of the above-mentioned cases, the origin of the situations at the scene of the incident, the consequences of one of them leaving certain traces on the other, is the basis for the
success of the initial stage of the investigation. Based on the experience of investigative practice it can be said that the most common crimes of intentional bodily harm are committed in residential buildings, public places, on the streets, where the consequences of the crime, weapons, traces are
not hidden, and the person who committed the crime sometimes does not run away, does not hide.

Such crimes often occur as a result of malice, revenge, jealousy, hooliganism, conflicts between two criminal groups. In these cases, the detection and investigation process of crimes of intentional
bodily injury is not very difficult. Using the tactical and methodical tools recommended by the investigative method and developing versions-images based on the initial information about the weapons, traces, the identity of the victim and the cause of the injury at the scene of the incident, and properly organizing the investigation, i.e. the case it will be possible to reveal and prove it within the appropriate time frame.

In some cases, the crime of intentional bodily injury is committed in a
hidden situation, without witnesses, using the darkness of the night, the absence of a person. Tries to take it with him. Investigation of such crimes is complex from the point of view of proof and causes some difficulties. In the investigation of this type of intentional bodily injury, the investigator must use specialized skills, be able to use the preliminary investigation information correctly, and perform prompt and quality investigative actions that cannot be delayed [2 ].

In the investigation of crimes of intentional bodily harm, it will be possible to obtain preliminary information about the method of its implementation, motives, the weapons used, and the person who committed it. In cases where the identity of the victim is known, it will be possible to create relevant versions-pictures about the criminal, the relationship between them, and the methods of committing the crime. It is possible to find and arrest a person suspected of a crime by obtaining information about the places of intentional bodily injury to the victim of a criminal incident and conducting preliminary investigative actions.

Intentional bodily harm committed in urban settings is often aimed at eliminating traces of crime. If the places where the crime of intentional bodily harm was committed are in different regions, it is
necessary to determine the connection and compatibility of these places. Another description of the crime of intentional bodily harm is the method of its commission. The method of committing intentional bodily harm includes the weapon used, the means, the act, the preparation of the crime in advance and the attempt to remove the traces of the crime.

Intentional bodily injury caused by domestic disputes, jealousy, bullying, under the influence of alcohol and drugs is almost always done without prior preparation.) or another means of injury and
achieves its goal. If intentional bodily harm is done with malicious intent or against the victim’s position, duty, the criminal prepares in advance; determines the place and time. After committing the crime, the criminal tries not to leave footprints and handprints. These cases determine the need to obtain information about the identity of the criminal and among whom to search for him [3].

Efforts to cover up the traces of these crimes sometimes involve masking the injury to make it look like another incident. Depriving the victim of intentional bodily injury, inflicting severe injuries, pushing him from a height, creating the appearance of a mask, etc.

Describing the identity of the victim of intentional bodily injury also helps to make the right clues and find the suspect at the initial
stage of the investigation. When the victims of intentional bodily harm are women, in most cases they are victims of violence, malice or jealousy. The relationship between the criminal and the victim
is related to each other and indicates the reason for the criminal outcome and the content of the intention.

A suspect who has caused bodily harm with intent can be characterized as follows, based on investigative practice. Males between the ages of 18 and 50 who use alcohol or drugs are often
abusive, immoral, disrespectful to the community and women, and have previous convictions. Some of the actions of the criminal who caused the injury – inflicting a lot of injuries on the victim with
extreme lack of mercy, inflicting physical injuries on his close relatives and family members indicate his mental disorder, such cases can be included in typical situations [4 ].

Atypical cases also occur in investigative practice. The criminal is well-versed in the handling of weapons, has mastered the use of shooting or cold weapons in military service or on the basis of
special training, and determines in advance the preparation for the crime and the loss of traces of it after committing it. Such situations creates some complexity at the initial stage of the investigation.

However, according to the law of criminal activity, no crime can leave its consequences and traces, therefore, any crime, including the crime related to intentional bodily harm, has been successfully
investigated, will be exposed.

In conclusion, it should be noted that pre-trial investigation of cases of intentional bodily injury, circumstances that must be determined in the initiation and investigation of crimes, features of the development of investigative methods, the conduct of the case to the court is a complex technology.

Should be recognized as Because he performs a complex, complex and responsible task as part of proceedings before the court. This is a separate special proceeding on intentional bodily injury, the
procedural and organizational-methodical activities related to its specific features are interconnected.


  1. Decision PQ 3723 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to radically improve the system of criminal and criminal-procedural legislation” adopted on May 14, 2018
    // 3735818 (national database of information on legislation of the Republic of
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