Lights On for the Arts! Call for diverse submissions – San Francisco’s Russian Hill

Tarryn Teresa Gallery is pleased to announce Lights on S.F., a public art event celebrating Bay Area artists.  The project, developed and organized by Tarryn Teresa Gallery in downtown Los Angeles, is composed of energy efficient CFL light bulbs decorated by individual artists and then collected into a single, temporary exhibit. Each evening the bulbs will be illuminated at the same time as city street lights, overwhelming the park with the light from the collected assembly of light bulbs.

Tarryn Soderberg, director of Tarryn Teresa Gallery, conceived of the Lights on… project as a way to focus attention on the arts during difficult economic times, when “nonessentials” typically suffer.  The installation is meant to serve as a reminder of the role that a vital and diverse artistic community plays in any successful urban environment.
They are calling for artists to purchase and decorate CFL lightbulbs for this installation! Please visit the link for more information.