Michael Robinson reviews Jacques Fleury’s book You Are Enough: The Journey To Accepting Your Authentic Self

Middle aged Black man with short hair and brown eyes. He's got a hand on his chin and is facing the camera.
Poet Michael Robinson

Hope and assurance is the foundation of Mr. Fleury's writing.  It is literally a place to guide you to not only find that place of hope within but to explore the truth about who you are to be transformed into a whole being. 

Mr. Fleury touches on what stereotypes of Black manhood cost us as black males when we need to express our emotions when we are sensitive to any given situation.  One thing these stereotypes lead to is the need for us as black males to display our strength through violence, which leads to self implosion.

Exploring your gender identity as a black male: Mr. Fleury encourages us to find ourselves by looking inside ourselves without relying on social norms. He points out the need to accept one's identity beyond stereotypes of race, gender or social background.  He has again given directions to find your authentic self.

Mr. Fleury's book picks up for me in the chapters related to mental health for the black male. The chapters tell of the impact of being isolated by self-inducement.  Now, I can relate to despair and hopelessness, but it is a spiritual ladder that brings salvation.  Mr. Fleury speaks strongly in the opening about spiritual disorder in his Catholic school.  He has, throughout his book, given us examples of his inner journey to find that his essence is within. He does speak of social and political and economic conditions. However, it's the words of "YOU ARE ENOUGH: A journey to self-acceptance" that ring out the loudest. 

Yes indeed, Mr. Fleury gave us a foundation to discover our own self-acceptance and unconditional self-love.
Young adult Black man with short shaved hair, a big smile, and a suit and purple tie.
Jacques Fleury
Silhouetted figure leaping off into the unknown with hand and leg raised. Bushes and tree in the foreground, mountains ahead. Book is green and yellow with black text and title.
Jacques Fleury’s book You Are Enough: The Journey Towards Understanding Your Authentic Self