Poetry from Abdullayeva Feruza

Young Central Asian girl with dark straight hair, brown eyes, earrings, and a white collared shirt and black or blue jacket.
Abdullayeva Feruza
My heroes -parent (poem)

I'm alive with their bless, 
They always teach me goodness. 
They are extremely kind to me, 
I know, they are my kindness.

If the problem come to me, 
Dad and mum together me.
They fight against enemy, 
My parent hero for me!

If I am sometimes sick, 
They will cure my pain.
They think of us even, 
When they are sometimes sick. 

Life is always different, 
Sometimes I win or I lost. 
But in all situations, 
Support me - only parent!

Abdullayeva Feruza Hikmatullayevna was born on May 27, 2006 in Surkhandarya region,  Sariasia district. She study at secondary school number 12 . A number of her articles has been published in international collectings such as ” Kavya Kishor”, ” Synchronised chaos “, ” Classico opine” .